A New School Year
By Libor Tomesek and Sam Dight 6th Class
Miss Brophy would like to welcome everyone back to school and would also like to welcome all the new boys into the school and wish them luck throughout the year.
Miss Brophy would also like to say thanks to all of the sports trainers for giving their time up for everyone in the school. The sports include hurling,rugby, gaelic football,athletics and also swimming.
This month we were very happy to welcome The Irish Defence Force and thank them for their generosity in trusting us with the Irish national flag and the Irish 1916 Constitution.
This month we were very happy to welcome The Irish Defence Force and thank them for their generosity in trusting us with the Irish national flag and the Irish 1916 Constitution.
2nd Class Ms Glennon
This month we welcomed 19 new boys to the school from St. Mary’s N.S. We are all getting to know each other. We are asking each other questions as Gaeilge about Mé Féin. We have also done self portraits of ourselves. We’ve earned Golden Time and we’ve spent it on going to the park for a nice treat. We are working on recount writing and prediction comprehension strategy at the moment.
2nd Class Ms Liston
This month we’ve done our portraits and we’ve been learning about primary colours and mixing colours. We have also learned 4 out of 10 keys to happiness, No.1 Giving No.2 Relating to others No.3 Exercising and No.4 Appreciating.
3rd Class Ms Slattery
This month we have been learning about animals and their natural habitat in geography. We have also learned about ends and beginnings talking about how the holidays have ended and the new school year is beginning. We have also entered the Nenagh drawing competition where we we draw buildings in Ireland and all the other parts of the world.
3rd Class Ms Barry
This month we have been keeping track of the rugby World Cup and every boy has their own team. We have been also doing a project on rugby. Currently we have been reading the novel Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone.We have been learning about the Fianna and we are trying our own version of their exams to get into the Fianna.
This month we have done a falling into space self portrait for art and we have learned about the Romans and have been doing a project on them. We’ve learned all about the countries in the rugby world cup. In Gaeilge we have been doing Mé Féin.
5th Class Mr Smith
We have been learning about the 1916 Easter rising. We have been drawing our own signatures and we have also been doing leaf art for our art. This month we have also been keeping track of our rugby world cup scores and we have done art about it.
6th Class Mr Shine
This September we have been doing our self portraits in art and we have had a treat down to the computer room and have learned about Leonardo Da Vinci there. We have been given a word pyramid by Mr Shine and have vast amounts of different words on the pyramid. We have two student teachers this month Mr Ramel and Miss Walsh. Miss Walsh has been doing Irish, English,Drama,Art and Science with us. For art with Mr Shine we have made a jigsaw piece each and we have also designed our own chocolate bar with Miss Walsh.
6th Class Mr Hannigan
2nd-6th Miss Ryan
This September we have been learning about planets in our solar system. We saw photos of the super moon and learned about astronauts and how they survive in space. In art we drew pictures of Nenagh and made mini Irish flags. The class is very happy that we can go swimming every week.
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