Written by Eoin Casey and Daniel Manning 6th Class
Message from Ms Brophy
We’ve reached the mid-term break, great to see all new students are well settled in by now. We’ve had some great sporting events, Athletics, Swimming, u11 football and of course our u13 football team have made it to the county final. Good luck yo them and thank you to Mr.Hannigan and Mr.O Sullivan for all their efforts. Maths Week was a hive of activity and we came very close to the Top 10 in the country in Mangahigh. It was great to see all classes use our new computer room and our new ipads, it’s another fun way of learning.
I wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween, enjoy the break and be aware of elderly neighbours. Come back energised for the term ahead
Trick or Treat for Temple Street
Lots of boys brought in a donation for Temple Street Children’s Hospital. We picked the best costume- It was Connor from 6th class.
The u11 football team participated in a blitz and did very well winning one game and losing two in their group. With some excellent performances by a young team, the future looks bright.
Pride of place must go to our u13 team who have qualified for the county final! They have worked very hard throughout the year and deserve their place in the final. The match will take place after the break. We will face Cahir N.S in the final.
Maths Week
We came 12th in the whole of Ireland the top three classes were Ms Barry, Mr Hannigan and Mr Shine. The top student in our school was Anton. Everyone had a lot of fun on the ipads playing maths games. Overall it was a fantastic maths week.
Ms Ryan’s Class

Mrs Ryan’s class made extremely colourful art from Autumn leaf rubbings to lots of great Halloween art.They also made rice krispie buns.They wrote amazing recounts about Oisin and Tir na Og. They learned a scary poem about a witch.

Ms Glennon’s 2nd Class
All this month, we learned about Autumn, the hedgehog and the spider. We wrote acrostic poems about autumn and some gruesome recipies for a scary Halloween. We also made some pumpkin faces for Halloween. Congratulation to Daniel Connolly who was our recount winner.
Ms.Liston’s 2nd Class

Ms Liston’s class did fantastic on their recounts as well as on their Halloween acrostic poems.They also learned a poem about trying to take a selfie. They finished their power hour this week and it has improved all of their reading.Ryan Clifford is our winner of the recount on his “Evening Routine”.
Ms.Barry’s 3rd
English – We finished our recounts, Ruadhan was our recount winner. He wrote about A Sleep-Over At His Granny’s House
Irish – This month has been all about learning Briathara in Irish and we have been miming them out. Some examples are Dhún mé, Ghlan mé, Chas mé and Bhris mé. We are also learning about Oiche Shamhna
Maths – this is an exciting month for us in maths -we learned renaming with hundreds tens and units and we also start learning our multiplication tables- we are on our way to becoming mathematicians.
Art- This was a busy month for us in Art. WE sketched the trees around our school and used these to make silhouettes. After that we painted a sheet with Autumnal colours to make pretty pictures. We also entered the Nenagh.ie and Credit Union art competitions and to celebrate Halloween, we made skeletons. We also finished our World Cup projects.
In Science we learned about our skeleton and we can now name lots of the bones in our bodies.
This month we were reflecting on the changing weather so in music, we made a thunderstorm just using sounds made by our bodies.
We wish everybody a very happy Halloween and we will be having a party to celebrate on Friday!
Ms Slattery’s 3rd Class
3rdclass learned Irish vocabulary an Ar Scoil and used this vocabulary in their pictures.
Alot of the boys have been doing great in their multiplication tables if they become fantastic at their tables, they get a certificate and are on a multiplication masters chart.

The boys made Halloween lanterns in art.
For maths week, the boys used ipads and learned to use two new apps- Maths Duel and Blocks. They used their Mangahigh I.D and password to complete maths tasks. They really enjoyed this.

Eoin is our successful winner for his fantastic recount on Nenagh vs Drom and Inch
Ms McGrath’s 4th Class
We learned about Autumnal colours and did art based on them. We made funny faced pumpkins and Halloween silhouettes.
We planted Hyacinths and if we came for them correctly they should in the spring
We edited and published our recounts Charlie wrote the winning recount
In maths we learned about lines, angles and 2-D shapes and we constructed 2-D shapes using lollipop sticks. We also had fun on the Ipads for maths week
The boys all learned about the Normans and did fantastic Halloween art. They did recount writing- Peter Slattery was the class winner. In History, they learned all about the 1916 Rising.
Mr.Shine’s 5th/6th Class
Mr.Shine`s class did a very messy science experiment with balloons filled with air, water and ice. The winners of the recounts were Cian McGrath and Dermot McTiernan .
They learned a very good poem called the drink of water poem. They made really cool lava lamps in science. and they also learned all about the Vikings and the Viking’s boats.
Mr Hannigan’s 6th Class
We finished our recounts. After editing and publishing our recounts, Adam O’Brien -Brennan was chosen as the winner.We have also nearly completed our class novel “The guns of Easter”, which tells the story of a young boy called Jimmy Conway during the 1916 rising.
In maths we looked at fractions, lines and angles and multiplication.
For art we looked at 3D perspective, 3D fish and also made posters to show our support for Nenagh Éire Óg in the county senior hurling final.
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