“C.B.S Primary – where friendships are made and all are welcome”
C.B.S Primary School is co-educational school located in the heart of Nenagh town. Our school accepts girls and boys from Junior Infants to 6th class.
With over 260 pupils, 31 staff, 20 nationalities and over 10 different religions we are very much an all inclusive school. With a broad range of in-school and extra-curricular activities we are committed to encouraging the full development of your child.
Our school is a catholic school under the patronage of the Bishop of Killaloe and the trusteeship of the Edmund Rice School Trust. The catholic ethos is to the fore in all aspects of our work. In line with the values of Edmund Rice we also recognise and welcome other faiths and those of none.
C.B.S Primary School is proud to be an Edmund Rice school. Edmund Rice schools are a dynamic, diverse and thriving network of 96 secondary and primary level schools across Ireland, working every day to inspire and guide over 37,000 children and young people. Edmund Rice schools are defined and shaped by our unique Charter which sets out the values of quality teaching and learning, care, equality, leadership and faith at the heart of Edmund Rice education.
We currently have 13 classes in the school, 11 mainstream, 1 Mild General Learning Disability class and 1 class for pupils with Autism . We also have 7 Special Education Teachers (S.E.T) and 6 S.N.A’s.
Our Mission Statement
C.B.S Primary School is an Edmund Rice Catholic Primary school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed.
Our school is a multi-cultural school that welcomes and embraces difference and uniqueness. We wish to give each child a sense of personal and cultural identity, with a respect for and a tolerance of other cultures and differences.
Our school aims to nurture a Christian atmosphere that cultivates a positive relationship based on respect between staff, pupil, parents and local community. In this atmosphere each pupil feels valued and special.
Our school aims to provide a full range of curricular and extra-curricular activities allowing pupils to develop their many talents and to develop to their full potential.
Our school encourages the involvement of parents through home/school contacts and through their involvement in the Parents’ Council.
Our school will endeavour to enhance the self-esteem of everyone in the school community, to instil in the pupils respect for people and property and to encourage responsibility.
Déanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt go minic.
School Day
School Starts: 8.50am (Supervision from 8.40am)
SOS (Break): 10.45am to 11.00am
Lón (Lunch): 12.30pm to 12.55pm
School Finishes: 1.30pm (Infants) 2.30pm (1st to 6th class)
School Uniform
In C.B.S Primary School we have a regular uniform as well as a P.E tracksuit for P.E days.
Junior Infants to 2nd class wear our school tracksuit everyday, while 3rd to 6th class have a regular uniform as well as a tracksuit.

Regular Uniform (3rd to 6th class): Plain black footwear, wine crested school jumper, dark grey shirt, dark grey trousers, school tie (available in school). Uniforms can be purchased in Jim McLoughney’s or Slattery’s
P.E Tracksuit:
Wine , Navy, Sky Blue crested jumper – available from A Sportsman’s Dream or online by clicking here
Plain Navy tracksuit bottoms, Light blue polo shirt
Plain navy shorts
Drop-off and collection
For the safety of all children in the school there are no cars permitted on the school grounds for drop-off and collection. Children must walk into and out of school each day. Parents are asked to please use the parking spaces available in close proximity to the school at all times.