Summertime is upon the CBS

Summertime is upon the CBS

Ms Sheary’s Junior Infants

We have had a very busy and fun June. We had Active Schools Week, Sports Day, trips to the park and excursions to the town to learn about our locality. We also went on our school tour to Turroe Pet Farm. We also started dance lessons and hurling training.

Durin Active Schools week we got to sample lots of different types of sports such as circuit training, orienteering, football and tennis. We also played hurling and did a dance class. We went on daily walks and explored the grounds of our school. Sports Day marked the end of Active schools’ week and that was great. We took part in lots of novelty races, played games and had a disco.

We went on a few tours around our locality. We visited the Courthouse, the Castle Field, the Church, the library, the garda station and the post office. We discussed why they are so necessary in the town.

We have been doing dance lessons and hurling training for the past five weeks and we are really enjoying it. It has been so much fun.

Our school tour was to Turroe Pet Farm. It was such a fun day. We played in the different areas, feed the animals and had a picnic. We got to go on a big bus. It was a great day.

Ms Comerford’s and Ms Dooley’s senior infant classes

We cannot believe that we are in the last few weeks of Senior Infants. We are having a wonderful few weeks in school before we finish up what was a busy and enjoyable last term. On the 9th of May we were so excited to see our art work framed and displayed at the art exhibition in the G.P. room. We impressed everybody who came to see the exhibition with our super creations.

Senior Infants have enjoyed a very active May and June. We have participated in hurling coaching this term with Pat and Hugh. It has been a great fun and we have developed super skills over the last few weeks. We have also been so lucky to be able to enjoy dance lessons with Megan who put the boys and girls through their paces every Monday. It was super fun!

We celebrated Active School’s week with daily fun and activity. We had a fantastic time developing movement skills through P.E. and movement breaks throughout the day. Our favourite day of the week was Sport’s day. We danced, ran all sorts of races and played parachute games. At the end of the day we cooled down with a delicious ice-cream cone.

In our classwork we have been learning about the Zoo. We learnt the names of lots of zoo animals in English and “as Gaeilge”. We painted flamingos, created giraffes and tigers and even wrote our own “Tiger Reports”. In Maths we have been learning about capacity. We had a lot of fun filling and measuring!

We celebrated “Cultural Day” in June. Lots of our families shared their cultural heritage with us by bringing in flags, food, dress and instruments to display. In Senior Infants Arturo did a fantastic job teaching us all about Spain!

We have enjoyed so many special days over this term with trips to the castle field, the playground and a teddy bear’s picnic in our very own sensory garden. However, I think all the boys and girls would agree that our school tour to Turoe Pet Farm was probably the highlight. We were so excited to travel by bus along with our friends in Junior Infants and 2nd class. We had great fun playing soccer, trying out the many swings and slides and having a fun bounce around in “Inflatable City”! Our tour guides gave us a wonderful guided walk at the end where we got to meet the animals of Turoe Pet farm. It was a great day!

Mr. Smith’s 3rd class

Our class has been very busy for the past number of weeks.

In gaeilge, rinneamar a lán chleachtadh leis na téamaí “Sa bhaile” agus “an teilifís”.

In maths, we carried out investigations into capacity and chance.

In english, we honed our dictionary skills.

In art, we designed our own “pop up” Colosseum. We also got to see our art displayed in the GP room as part of the school gallery.

In SESE, we learnt all about the Christopher Columbus story and we found it really interesting.

We went on our school tour to Roll’n’Bowl in Portlaoise. It was a great day and the boys enjoyed it thoroughly.

We completed our Language Connect workshop with Frau Ryan. The group engaged with basic level German and it was a fantastic learning experience. Danke und auf wiedersehen, Frau Ryan!!!!

Active Schools’ Week was a huge success and we had so many different and varied activities though the week.

It has been a very busy and active few weeks and we are ready for our summer holidays now.

Ms Shanahan’s 4th class

We had a very active June after we finished our tests. We went to the GAA club, the athletics club, the river walk and had sports day during active week. We took on the girls school in a soccer match. Our school tour in Roscrea was great fun – swimming, water slides and games. We had a concert in the Town hall and played our ukuleles with a backing band.

We finished reading the David Walliams novel ‘Ratburger’. We chose books from the library to read over the summer. We did projects on various topics and presented them to our class. We are busy getting ready for a talent show in the final week. Wishing all students a safe and happy summer.

Ms McCabe’s 2nd – 6th class

We went to the Zoo. It was a great day. We got the train at 7.55 am from Nenagh Station and arrived in Heuston at 10.55. We walked to the Zoo, and Maksym’s granny met us. We did a lovely tour of the zoo with Frank, our guide. We ate in the cafe and we had ice cream too. We saw lots of animals. We got the train back to Nenagh at 6pm. It was a great tour and we will remember it for a long time. We say goodbye to John, Padraig, Edvards, William and Alexandru. We wish you all the best in secondary school. Happy summer everyone.