Summertime is upon the CBS

Summertime is upon the CBS

Ms Sheary’s Junior Infants We have had a very busy and fun June. We had Active Schools Week, Sports Day, trips to the park and excursions to the town to learn about our locality. We also went on our school tour to Turroe Pet Farm. We also started dance lessons and hurling training. Durin Active […]

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May Day News in CBS

May Day News in CBS

Ms Comerford’s and Ms Dooley’s Junior Infant classes Senior Infants were busy exploring space this month! They made some cool rockets and spaceships, pretended they were astronauts and learned all about our solar system! We also got to visit our local Church and said some prayers for our friends and families. We are looking forward […]

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Ready for Easter in CBS Primary

Ready for Easter in CBS Primary

Ms Sheary’s junior infant classes This month was full of celebrations. We started our month by making some lovely Mother’s Day cards and our mammy’s were thrilled with them. We were then very busy celebrating all things Irish. We had great fun during Seachtain na Gaelige. We preformed a song and poem as Gaeilge for […]

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Spring in the CBS

Spring in the CBS

Ms Sheary’s junior infant classes This month has been a busy month for Junior Infants. We have learning all about Spring and the changes that occur in our local environment. We went on a Spring nature walk and spotted the buds on the trees and the beautiful spring flowers that have started to bloom. We […]

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January News in the CBS

January News in the CBS

Ms Comerford’s and Ms Dooley’s senior infant classes We have had a busy few weeks since our return to school. In Maths we have been enjoying our morning stations where we play games and use all kinds of toys and resources to learn. In Aistear we explored the themes of “The Toy Shop” and “Winter”. […]

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Wintertime in Nenagh CBS Primary

Wintertime in Nenagh CBS Primary

Ms Glennon’s and Ms Comerford’s senior infant classes November was a busy and enjoyable month in room 3 & 4. We learned lots of exciting things. We explored the theme of Birthdays & The Restaurant for Aistear. We practiced waiting a table, ordering food, preparing food and paying a bill at our sociodramatic station. We […]

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Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh

Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh

Ms Sheary’s Junior Infant class The month was a very busy month for Junior Infants. We were learning all about Autumn and went on an Autumn nature trail. We were looking at the leaves changing colour, the berries growing on the hedges and someone even spotted a squirrel! We had great fun during maths week […]

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