Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh
Ms Sheary’s Junior Infant class
The month was a very busy month for Junior Infants. We were learning all about Autumn and went on an Autumn nature trail. We were looking at the leaves changing colour, the berries growing on the hedges and someone even spotted a squirrel!
We had great fun during maths week playing lots of fun games and listening to stories online.
We have been busy this week getting ready for Halloween. We have a Costume Shop set up in our class and it has been so much fun. We also have a Witches Kitchen set up and have been busy brewing potions and spells.
We had a very special visitor to our class this week. Garda Maureen called to say hi and she told us about her job. It was great. We even got our fingerprints taken.
We have had a great half term and we are very much looking forward to our break. Happy Halloween!!!!

Ms Glennon’s Senior and Ms Comerford’s Senior Infant classes
October has been an exciting and busy month for Senior Infants. We started the new month with a nature trail all around the school grounds. We spotted many signs of Autumn such as conkers, acorns, leaves and spider webs. We even planted an oak tree sapling in the sensory garden and we all individually sowed some acorns – we’re excited to take them home and watch them sprout! We also learned all about owls after reading the story ‘Owl Babies’.
For Aistear we learned about ‘The Farm’ and ‘Halloween’. The boys and girls enjoyed lots of messy play and they also made their own slime. The ‘Witch’s Den’ was an exciting station where spells were brewed in cauldrons and the children dressed up in different costumes. We made haunted castles from lego and made some scary looking spiders in art!
For Gaeilge we covered the topic ‘Sa bhaile & Oíche Shamhna’. We learned lots of new poems and songs. We also celebrated ‘Maths Week’ and learned lots of new games like snap, frustration, snakes and ladders and lots more dice games.
Garda Maureen also visited our classroom and told us all about life as a Garda. She even took our fingerprints and let us bring them home to show our families. We are all really excited for our mid-term break and dressing up on Halloween!

Ms McCutcheon’s 2ndclass
The boys in 2nd class have had great fun this October. For Maths week they played Maths games in the computer room, went on a Maths Trail around the school and carried out surveys with other classes.
They boys designed lovely autumn trees and squirrels during art lessons and also created spooky Pumkin faces for Halloween. As you can see, their art work looks amazing!
The boys loved interviewing their parents and grandparents about toys and games in the past and they presented their interviews during History lessons in school. We also learned how to play some card games which was great fun.
The boys sewed bulbs in their own individual pots with Patricia and they learned about what plants need to help them grow. We are looking forward to seeing how much they have grown after the midterm break.
The class have been brilliant swimmers this month and we will finish our swimming lessons in November. We are all looking forward to the well-deserved midterm break. Well done lads!

Mr Smith’s 3rd class
Our class has been extremely busy this September.
In maths, we have been practising repeated addition as a means of multiplication.
In gaeilge, we have been ag labhairt faoi agus ag cleachtadh “An Fomhar” agus “Oíche Shamhna”.
In SESE, we studied the origins of Halloween. We learned about the food and farming people in Ireland too.
We did some mapwork, learning all the counties in Connacht and we picked a county to focus on. We learnt all about Mayo and we learned the song, “the Green and Red of Mayo”.
In art, we have created our own numbers art.

Ms Shanahan’s 4thclass
In October we learnt about Irish trees – we had a walk around our locality and collected leaves, examined them and put similar ones together. We did lots of Halloween art – pumpkins, haunted houses and zombie hands. Some of the boys were chosen to represent our class in a tournament in Eire Og and did us very proud. We have entered the STEPS engineering project – in groups we are thinking and designing projects that could help our community. We had an election to choose our class representative on the student council. The boys put a lot of thought and preparation into their speeches. A huge congratulations to Leon who was voted to represent us – I’m sure he’ll do a brilliant job. We started chess on Thursday mornings with Colm and Jim. We learnt all about the Greeks in History and made some really good projects which we shared with the class. It was a busy month and we are all looking forward to the holidays.

Mr Shine’s 5th class
Another busy month here in 5th class where we had lots on. We were delighted to attend Nenagh College for their STEM day where we got to try a number of different activities such as woodwork, metalwork , science experiments and computer programming. We also had a group from Cycle Safe Ireland for a number of sessions going through cycle safety, how to deal with traffic and how to be safe on the roads. We also had a busy mix of Gaeilge, Maths, English, History and Geography. We learned to sing the national anthem in anticipation of Ireland’s world cup victory, but not everything goes to plan!

Ms McCabe’s 2nd to 6th class
We continue to listen to Six Minutes podcast, About Holiday, a girl who has turned up in the water and who has a very mysterious past. We are on episode 30 and will continue to listen to it throughout the year. We are also reading Bad Dad by David Walliams. We entered a few competitions and we made pumpkin soup a few times. It was delicious.