Green School
C.B.S Primary school is a Green school and we currently have 5 flags in the areas of Litter & Waste, Energy, Water and Travel and most recently in the area of Biodiversity. Our Green Schools committee are involved in projects on a regular basis and as a school we strive to protect and care for our environment.

Pieta Amber Flag
We are proud to be an ‘Amber Flag’ school for demonstrating excellence in promoting positive mental health awareness.

Cumann na mBunscol
We are a Cumann na mBunscol school and each year we take part in U11 and U13 Hurling and Gaelic football competitions. Hurling coaching takes place throughout the year both during and after school. All boys are encouraged to get involved.

Active School
In June 2019 we were awarded our first ever Active Schools flag for promoting increased physical activity within our school. From the Ten at Ten, Active Breaks, Travel Around Europe and our Active Trail all boys engage in physical activity everyday and we are very proud to be an Active school.

We are a Discover Primary Science and Maths school having achieved our plaque of excellence. We promote STEM activities in our teaching and learning and take part annually in Science week. We are also a ‘Manga High’ school achieving points for solving problems online.