New School Year in the CBS
Ms Comerford’s junior infant class
Ms. Comerford’s Junior Infants have settled into school very well!
We had an exciting start to the year with a visit from the local Gardaí and especially Garda Teddy!! We got to see the squad cars and play the sirens! It was lots of fun.
We have been learning all about Autumn and made some lovely autumn art too.
We learned lots of new concepts in maths such as 2D shapes, how to make patterns and also how to sort objects into matching sets!
We started dance classes on Fridays with Megan and we are looking forward to learning lots of new moves!

Ms McLoughney’s junior infant class
This month in Junior Infants, we’ve been busy exploring and learning through hands-on activities! The
children have learned a lot this month in Math, they have enjoyed making patterns and have been using
blocks to represent the numbers we’ve been learning about. Junior infants have also engaged in building
projects using blocks, fostering creativity and teamwork in the classroom. In addition, we’ve had fun with
playdough, using it to create the letters we’ve been learning about. It has been a fantastic month of
learning in Junior Infants!

Ms Dooley’s senior infants class
Senior Infants have settled back to school really well. Our first month of Senior Infants has flown!
We went on a tour of the school to see what things have changed and what has stayed the same. It
was exciting to see all the work the work the builders had been up to over the summer! Our
excitement levels reached fever pitch when we spotted a digger outside our classroom. In a few
short days we saw a new playground installed. We were thrilled to get out to it when the builders
were finished.
We have also been busy revising our sounds, letters and numbers from last year. We have been
having great fun sorting collections and creating sets in Maths stations.
On the 16 th of September we celebrated “Dot Day”. We listened to the story of “The Dot” and
created our own “Dot Masterpieces”!
In PE we have welcomed back Megan who is doing dance classes with us again. It is lots of fun!
We have also been learning about Autumn. We enjoyed a fun walk to the Sensory Garden where we
looked for signs of Autumn. We have collected lots of leaves which we will use in an art project. We
can’t wait!

Ms Shanahan’s 1stclass
Everyone has settled well into First Class and are getting used to being in school an extra hour. We
have enjoyed playing in the new school playground and enjoyed some outdoor learning when the
weather was sunny. We learnt about road safety in a fun way from visitors from the RSA. We have
started reading groups and are working hard on our reading, phonics and writing. We are learning all
about Autumn and about different types of transport. We painted self – portraits in Art and learnt all
about Mé Féin in Irish.

Ms McCutcheon’s 1st & 2nd class
1st & 2nd class have gotten off to a great start in Ms. McCutcheon’s room this year. They have been learning lots of songs and poems and are excellent at their Irish and Maths.
The boys and girls have started going swimming every Tuesday and they are really enjoying it. They are also learning to play chess with Colm and this has been a huge hit. They also love our new school playground. Keep up the good work boys and girls!

Mr Smith’s 3rdclass
This month has been very busy in Room 14.
In SESE, we have been learning all about habitats and the animals of Ireland, looking closely at the barn owl.
We had a visit from the RSA too, which we all enjoyed greatly.
In history, we listened to the story of Fionn and the Salmon of Knowledge and we learned about the first people to come to Ireland.
In english, we have started our Literacy Hour with Mr Tooher.
In maths, we have been engaging with column subtraction and addition.
In art, we drew our own barn owls and we also created our own stone age cave paintings.
We have much going on and we are looking forward to continuing on all this great work.

Mr Buckley’s 4th class
This September the boys in fourth class explored colour and design in Art class through creating their own personalised bookmarks and name pictures. They extended this through Dathanna Gaeilge, where the boys designed their own county jerseys. The boys have been learning to play ukulele and sing the song ‘Sunflower’ with Mr Tooher.
The theme of ‘Mé Féin’ in Gaeilge has helped the boys to give details about their personal lives in Irish. We have read some fun extracts in English from the books ‘Matilda’ and ‘Paddington Bear’. The boys have begun their recount writing where they will get to present their own pieces to the class. Finally, the boys earned their safety licenses from the road Safety Authority.