Lots of New Year learning in the CBS
Mr Tooher’s Junior Infant class
Junior Infants were busy with Mr. Tooher this month.
We focused on blending sounds and cvc words for the 1st time. The boys and girls did terrifically well in this.
We also had great fun this month with “Tongue Twisters”.
In maths, we looked at the story of number 4.
n SPHE, we discussed understanding our feelings and how others may feel in different situations.
Our class really enjoyed peered reading with 5th class boys.

Ms Glennon’s Junior Infant class
Junior Infants had a busy month with Ms. Glennon!
In Literacy, we explored blending sounds and CVC words for the first time, and the boys and girls did an amazing job. We also had lots of fun practicing “Tongue Twisters.”
In our numeracy, we focused on the story of the number 4.
In SPHE, we learned about understanding our own feelings and how others might feel in different situations.
Ms Dooley’s Senior Infant’s class
January has been a busy month in Senior Infants. We started the month with recounting the fun we had in the snow. Lots of us built snowmen and played games in the snow. We wrote about it in our Free Writing copies.
We further explored the theme of Winter and snow by reading winter stories. We also learnt about the Artic and Antarctic and what animals live there. We even made our own penguins!
In Gaeilge we have been learning about “ An Aimsir” (The weather). We discussed the aimsir every day and couldn’t believe our luck when we could finally say it was “stoirmúil” (stormy). The arrival of “Storm Éowyn” meant that we worked from home for a day. We were all glad to return to school when the weather improved and we wrote and drew pictures about the storm.
In Maths we have worked hard revising our 2-D shapes and we have begun to learn some 3-D shapes. We went on a Shape Hunt around the school where we found many 2-D and 3-D shapes. We made some 3-D shapes in Maths stations using sticks and play dough. It was lots of fun!
We can’t believe that February is almost here. We have been learning about St. Brigid whose feast day occurs on February 1st. We listened to the story of St. Brigid’s cloak and designed our own St. Brigid’s cloaks. We also listened to the song “St Brigid” brings the Spring. We are very excited for the return of Spring after a busy January.

Ms Shanahan’s 1st class
January was a quick month as we were closed for a week with the snow. So we worked extra hard to catch up – we continued with our reading groups every morning – all students are improving and it’s fantastic to listen to them read so well. We made s’mores in school and wrote a procedural text on how we made them. We learnt about An Aimsir in Gaeilge. We learnt all about St.Brigid and made St.Brigid’s crosses in Art. We learnt about maps in Geography and animals on the farm in Science. We learnt about fractions in Maths and had fun with play dough making items and cutting them in half. We went to the town library and changed our books.

Ms McCutcheon’s 1st and 2nd class
1st and 2nd class have settled back into our school routine after the Christmas Holidays and our week off for the snow. They boys and girls have been working very hard. They learned how to tell the time in Maths and have been learning about Caitheamh Aimsire in Irish.
They started playing rugby this month and have been really enjoying it, even in the cold weather. They are improving their chess skills each week and they made firework landscapes in art to celebrate the new year. Keep up the good work boys and girls. Maith thú!

Ms Sheary’s class
We had a great month in room 5. We were busy settling back after our extended Christmas holidays. We visited lots of places in town such as Lidl and the library. We went for crisps and a drink in the Abbey Court. We were reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We made porridge bread and flapjacks. We have been working hard on our activities at school also. We are looking forward to Spring now with brighter weather and longer days.

Mr Smith’s 3rd class
Our class has been extremely busy this new year.
In maths, we have been engaging with symmetry, length and most recently word problems.
In PE, we continued our block of swimming at Nenagh Leisure Centre.
In gaeilge, we have been ag labhairt faoin Geimhreadh agus faoin téama don Bia.
In SESE, we have learnt all about Viking culture and the impact they had in our country. The boys really engaged well with this.
In art we have created our own “Symmetry” art. We also designed our own Viking brooches. These turned out great.
Mr Buckley’s 4th class
This January Rang a Ceathair studied the ancient Greeks in SESE. We designed and drew Volte Kratur pottery. We studied Trees and created a Google Slides presentation to show our findings. We began our new novel Kensuke’s Kingdom in our reading groups. We learned how to convert fractions to decimals and how to find parts of whole numbers. Gerardine Wisdom visited us and we made St. Brigid’s Day crosses out of rushes from the Shannon.

Ms McCabe’s 2nd – 6th classroom
We had a great January in ms McCabes class. We are still reading our novel the sheep pig. We finished our reading buddies program with Kinia and had a lovely virtual graduation ceremony. Each participant made a short presentation and received a certificate for their work. It was a great success. We visited the secondary school in the CBS. They were very welcoming to us and we are looking forward to September already.