An bhliain nua inár scoil
Ms Barry’s – Junior Infants
Happy New Year All!
2023 is off to a flying start in Ms. Barry’s Junior Infants.
In Maths we were learning about our numbers 1-5 and we learned about capacity and how to recognise rough and smooth surfaces.
In Aistear we had a clothes shop and the boys and girls had great fun trying on costumes and pretending they were customers and shop workers.
In Art we learned about the primary colours and made ‘Love Bugs’ to show colour mixing. We also made houses as we were learning about houses in Religion.
We had some very special visitors this month as Jack’s Grandad Séan visited our class to celebrate Grandparent’s Day. We made rice krispie buns and hot chocolate to welcome him to Junior Infants.
We also had a visit from the Minister of Education Ms. Norma who came to our classroom and we said our special poem for her.
We have had a brilliant month and we are looking forward to the fun we will have in February already!

Ms. Sheary – Juniors Infants
This month we were so excited to come back to school after a restful break. We had a very busy month with lots of exciting visitors coming to see us. We celebrated Grandparents day as part of Catholic schools week. Jack’s grandfather came to our class and told us about what school was like when he was growing up. We made buns and hot chocolate for him and all the class and asked him lots of questions.
Minister Norma Foley came to visit also. We were very happy as she wanted to meet the Junior Infants. We performed a poem for her and told her stories. She was very nice.
We starter Gaelic foot this term as well. It’s lots of fun. We are learning loads. We are ready for Spring now and look forward to the month ahead.

Ms.Glennon’s 2nd class
We have had a busy and enjoyable start to 2023 in room 14!
We learned all about an geimhreadh as Gaeilge. We learned about the water cycle and how to conserve water as part of SESE. We also enoyjed some science experiments where we experimented with floating and sinking.
For Catholic School’s Week every boy in second class interviewed a grandparent and completed lovely projects. The boys really proud of their work and enjoyed presenting the projects to their class.
We are currently enjoying 6 weeks of Gaelic Football with Pat. We are also enjoying some yoga sessions with Mrs.Sheary.
Finally we were very excited to meet Minister Foley at our school last Friday.

Mr. Smith’s 3rd class
We were busy again this month.
It is great to be back after the Christmas break and we are lucky to be working with Mr McLoughlin for the next few weeks.
Our class began Power Hour as part of our literacy. It’s going really well.
In maths, we have covered a wide range of concepts; length, weight and symmetry.
In geography, we have been learning the counties of Leinster and Connaught.
In history, we read the story of St. Brendan the Navigator. We studied the Romans too and their pasttimes.
In art, we drew our own desert islands. We designed a Roman shield or “Scutum” too.
We had a very special visitor when the Minister for Education called to our room during her visit to the school. We had a nice chat with Minister Foley and we performed a song for her.

Ms McCormack’s 3rd and 4th class
What a great start to 2023! Third and fourth class in room 15 have had a very busy month. Here’s just a few of the many things that we have got up to.
The class joined Nenagh library and we’re enjoying visiting the library every Monday morning for the next few weeks. Lots of the boys are busy popping into the library themselves during the week too.
We finished our Viking projects. The boys were amazing at their presentation skills.
We’re learning all about the counties of Ireland. It won’t be long until we can name all 32.
Chess has taken off in our class. We’re very lucky to have Jim and Colin helping us improve our skills every Thursday.
There was great chat about our grandparents this week during Catholic School’s Week. Our poem stated that if a flower was planted every time a grandparent said something nice to us, we’d have a beautiful garden.
This month in art we enjoyed making prints using shaving foam. The messier, the better! We sketched rabbits, celebrating the year of the rabbit in China. We also made St. Brigid’s day crosses using rushes.
Lastly, the lunchtime soccer league has begun. The boys will have a minimum of four matches. They’re all enjoying playing with and competing against their friends.
Lastly, we can’t forget our classroom visit from Minister Norma Foley. Our class impressed Minister Foley with their extensive range of questions. Many of the boys have expressed an interest in politics!

Mr Shine’s 4th class
Again a very busy January as we shook off our Christmas holidays and got back to learning.
In Gaeilge we have been learning all about each other’s hobbies and our caitheamh aimsire.
In Maths we have been very busy learning all about fractions, decimals and percentages.
In geography we studied forces like levers and where we use them in our everyday life.
We also were very busy with the peace proms in our class where a large portion of our class are in the choir and had a big and tiring day out at the peace proms in UL.
In art we were inspired by the work of Joan Miro and used his methods of using line and only four colours to create abstract mindscapes.
We also had the visit of the Minister of Education Norma Foley to our school where we asked her some very interesting questions.
An action packed January all in all.

Ms Shanahan’s 5th class
We had a great start to 2023 in our class.
We made six products for our JEP and had a ‘Dragons Den’ session in our class to choose the winning product. Pencil Point was chosen – a pencil holder that is made and designed by the boys. We were delighted to present one to Minister Foley when she visited our school. We had a bake sale to raise funds to buy materials and are now open to taking orders!
We were invited to take on the 5th Class girls from St.Mary’s in a basketball match – it was a very competitive game!!
We are learning about our Caitheamh aimsire in Gaeilge, narrative writing in English and long multiplication in Maths.
Six boys from our class took part in the Peace Poms in UL – well done to them.
We started rugby with Pat on Wednesday mornings – it’s a great start to our day.

Mr Hayes – 6th class
January was a very busy month in our class.
In maths, we studied fractions, decimals and percentages.
In Gaeilge, we looked at An tEarrach and learned about different flowers.
In English, we are reading the novel Wonder, which we are enjoying very much.
We covered the Irish Free state and Michael Collins in History.
In geography, we learned about Greece and all of it’s agriculture.
In science, we liked learning about Ecosystems.
5 boys in our class from the choir went to the Peace Proms in UL.
We also had 8 boys in our class who have been building and programming a robot since September and they participated in a competition in Limerick.
Mr O’Sullivan’s 6th class
January was a very busy month for our class. Gaelic football with Pat has begun for our class and it is great fun. Some boys from our class are helping out on the junior yard as playground leaders and We are also helping organise and referee the class leagues.
We have started a new novel called ‘Holes’ this month and We are really enjoying it.
One of the highlights of the month was the visit of the Minister of Education to our class. We were really excited to welcome her. She was really nice and asked us lots of questions
Mrs McCabe’s 2nd – 6th class
We are delighted to be back in school and wish you a wonderful and healthy 2023.
This month we said goodbye to Roman who has gone to Canada for a month. Hopefully he will come back and tell us about his adventures. Kyle and Felipe did a project on The Vikings for their class. It was very informative. We really enjoyed the Basketball Blitz in St Mary’s secondary school. We are continuing with our typing and library visits. We made soup, pizza and sweet desserts for cooking and we still enjoy our breakfast club each morning. We love doing meditation and we enjoy doing mindfulness with Ms Boland every day. The minister for education, Norma Foley visited our school last week. She was lovely, and visited all the classes. We got to shake her hand outside the school as she was leaving.