Christmas approaches at Nenagh CBS
Ms Sheary’s junior infant classes
This has been a great month for Junior Infants. We had lots of fun during Aistear with our theme being Santa’s workshop. As you can imagine we were busy checking lists, making the presents, wrapping and delivering them but we loved every minute of it. We made some lovely Winter trees and also Christmas trees this month which we have displayed in the hall. We also made some lovely clay decorations which we decorated and can hang on our Christmas tree at home.
We had a very exciting visit to the Christmas Tree Festival. We saw some very different looking Christmas trees and it was a lovely experience for us.
The best part of this month has to be our Christmas Concert. We started practising at the start of December and learned our songs and lines so well. We got to perform for our parents and the rest of the school and it was so exciting. We were excellent and had lots of fun.

Ms Glennon’s and Ms Comerford’s senior infant classes
Senior infants have been super busy this December! We learned all about the post office in Aistear and we got to visit our local post-office too! It was a great morning where Brendan showed us all what happens when we post a letter, how its organised and put into sections so that the post-person can deliver it. We even got to see the post-person’s bike and post our very own Christmas cards which arrived to our houses. We have been doing really well in our reading groups every day and we have been reading lots of new books. Some of our reading buddy’s from Rang a Sé joined us and we enjoyed reading stories with them. We also made lots of Christmas art and we are excited to bring it home to show our families. We were so lucky to get to bake some gingerbread men with Ms. Glennon and Ms. Kelly after reading the story in both English and Gaeilge. We are so excited for our Christmas show on Wednesday evening! We would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Ms McCutcheon’s 2nd class
The boys have spent much of December preparing for their Christmas Show – Elves on Strike. They have been working very hard and produced an excellent performance on the night of the concert. They looked the real deal in their costumes.
They made snowflakes and winter trees in Art and they have been learning how to tell the time in maths.
They are counting down the days until Santa comes to visit and they are all looking forward to a well-earned break during the Christmas holidays. Well done lads!

Mr Smith’s 3rd class
This has been a very busy month in 3rd class.
In maths, we have been learning time and we have progressed even further with our division skills. We can divide two and even three digit numbers by factors up to 9.
We continued with our literacy hour with Ms Boland. We find ourselves improving all the time in our reading.
In RE, we really enjoyed learning about and engaging with the story of the First Christmas
In gaeilge, bhí muid ag foghlaim faoin Nollag.
For the Christmas concert, we have learned “the Little Drummer Boy”, “Rudolf an Fia Rua” and also we performed the poem, “Be Good to your Turkey this Christmas!”. We did a terrific job.
In SESE, we looked at the province of Leinster. We also discussed and learnt how Christmas is celebrated in other countries.
In art, we designed our own stained glass window Christmas trees.
We completed our swimming sessions at Nenagh Leisure centre. We also completed our block of training in chess with Colm and Jim. We really enjoyed it and learned alot.
Nollag Shona Daoibh.

Ms Maher’s 4th class
December has been a very enjoyable month. We were practising for our school concert. Mr Buckley was helping with the music by teaching the boys Jingle Bells on the Ukulele and helping us with our play. Our sketch was call ‘North Pole’s got talent’, we really enjoyed participating in the concert.
We also did a project on Cuba – we really enjoyed looking up facts about Cuba and learning all about their love of food, fashion, cars, history, animals and traditions.
We also got to enjoy learning how to make Bubblecake and we enjoyed eating it with Hot Chocolate.
Ms Shanahan’s 4th class
We welcomed a new student Pavlo to our class. Pavlo is very good at soccer so has fitted in easily. The Christmas theme has been covered in all subjects – we did a lovely winter scene in Art by following an Art teacher in a live zoom lesson. We read about Scrooge in English and watched A Christmas Carol. We learned about An Nollaig in Gaelige and made lovely Christmas cards with Irish greetings. We performed two songs – Feliz Navidad and Rock’n around The Christmas Tree, and the poem ‘A Letter to Santa’ for the annual Christmas show. We had Cristoir and Marcuss playing the guitar and they did a super job. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas.

Ms McCabe’s 2nd to 6th class
We had a very busy December in school. We welcomed a new boy Maksym to our school. He is from Ukraine. We hope he loves his new school. We went swimming every Tuesday and really enjoyed it.
We visited the secondary school on the same day as Shane McGowans funeral.
We made a beautiful crib from natural fabric and recycled materials. Gerardine Wisdom, an artist came and helped us with our project. We hope it will be displayed in our school for many years.