Christmas in the CBS
Ms Sheary’s class
Junior Infants are very excited for Christmas this year. We have been busy doing arts and crafts to decorate the school. We worked really hard preparing for our Christmas show. We performed the show for lots of classes in the school and for our parents. They all thought we were great.
Santa came to visit on Tuesday and we all got a lovely selection box to enjoy over Christmas. We are ready now for a long rest to recharge our batteries for January.

Ms Glennon’s class
We had a busy and exciting month of December. We enjoyed our time preparing for the Christmas show. We performed a “Shepherd’s Rap” and also a song called “Go Tell It On The Mountain”. We really enjoyed the chance to perform on stage for our family and friends.
We finished up 6 weeks of swimming in Nenagh Leisure Center. It was a great opportunity to become more confident and independent in the water.
We carried out lots of Science experiments including the Skittle experiment, how to make a lava lamp and we also made some magic potions. It was great fun.
For SESE we learned about Christmas around the world. Each boy shared how they celebrate Christmas. We also created some lovely Christmas art and decorations.
Finally we finished off the month with a Santa Dash. We dressed up in Christmas colours and chased Santa around the track! Santa also paid a visit to our classroom.
We are looking forward to a rest over the next few weeks.

Mr Smith’s class
We had a very busy month.
We were extremely busy practising for the school’s Christmas concert and we were delighted with our performance in the secondary hall.
In art, we designed our own stained glass window Christmas tree.
We read the short novel, “the Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey.” It was excellent and all the boys really enjoyed it.
As gaeilge, we covered the topic of “an Nollag” and we also engaged with the story of An Chéad Oíche Nollaig (the First Christmas).
Nollaig Shona Dhaoibh!!!!!
Ms Shanahan’s class
In December we said goodbye to Ms Liston.We miss her already but wish her the best of luck in her new school in Limerick.
In maths we worked on long division and fractions.
In English we read the novel Under the Hawthorn Tree- it was really interesting to read about the hardship of the Irish famine.
We started gaelic football with Pat and enjoy it every Monday afternoon.
We learnt about the digestive system in Science, physical features of Europe and the World in Geography and about Granuaile in History.
We made clay decorations in art to hang on our Christmas trees at home.
For our Christmas concert we played Silent Night on the tin whistle and sang two Christmas songs – it really got us excited for Christmas!
We are working hard on our JEP projects and will be ready to face the Dragons Den team in January.
We wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas.

Mr Shine’s class
Another busy month here in 5th class with a lot happening as we finish this term. We had our Christmas concert in December where a large portion of the class is also in the choir so we did a lot of singing this month.
In Maths we started our work on fractions and decimals and that kept us busy for the month.
In art we made 3d stars in anticipation of Christmas.

Ms McCabe’s class
November was a month to remember those who went before us. In our room, we were busy as usual. We continue to visit the library every Wednesday. For science week, we did an experiment with paper and water. It was fun. We celebrated John, William and Padraig’s birthdays. Of course, the class made a cake for each birthday boy. We really enjoyed the visit from a historian to our school. We got to play with real guns and dress up in costumes worn by real soldiers in 1922 War of Independence. We put up our Christmas tree and we did some Christmas Art also which is on display in our room. We visited the Christmas Tree Festival in St Mary’s Church. We also had afternoon tea, and we discovered that Padraig loves egg sandwiches!! Edwards made cookie dough with his fathers secret recipe, they were yummy.