Easter is upon us in the CBS
Ms Barry’s – Junior Infants
We had lots of fun in Junior Infants this March.
In English we are really improving in reading and we now have reading homework every night. We can now read books.
In Maths we learned about combining sets and about sequencing.
In Aistear we had the themes of the farm and the jungle, they were a lot of fun. We had a farm in our classroom and we tended to the animals, we also created farm animals through art and used playdough to make food and shelter for animals. The children explored a jungle in the classroom where we had a jungle forest and they played with jungle animals in small world.
This month we also celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters and we visited the library to listen to stories. 6th class also visited us for some shared reading of our favourite books. To finish the day we played ‘Where’s Wally?’ in the school yard where we searched for Wally and used the clues to gain a homework pass. It was lots of fun.
In SESE we learned about Spring and we recognised the signs of Spring around us and we learned about animals and their young. We also learned about the life cycle of a frog.
We also World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st.
We created beautiful art for Mother’s Day art for our mothers and talked about all of the wonderful things our parents do for us.
This has been a busy month and we would like to thank our parents for their support during all of the activities. We are looking forward to April and Easter.

Ms. Sheary – Juniors Infants
This month we had lots to celebrate from World Book Day to St. Patrick’s Day. On World Book Day we got dressed up as a character from a book and went to the library for story time. It was lots of fun. The stories were really funny and we really enjoyed ourselves.
We dressed in green for St. Patrick’s Day. We had a concert in the G.P room where we celebrated by singing two songs and reciting a poem in Irish. We were nervous but we did really well and when were finished we were very proud.
We were busy creating lots of art this month also. It was Mother’s Day during March and we created some lovely treats and pictures to take home. We are also learning about Spring and we made beautiful tulip pictures with a fork and our finger.
We were learning all about the Jungle in Aistear. It was a fun topic to learn about and we enjoyed pretending we were some of the scary animals that live in the rain forest.
Ms.Glennon’s 2nd class
At the beginning of March, the boys began their preparation for their Holy Communion by receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the First Time. The boys are now busy preparing for their First Holy Communion on May 6th.
We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge with a Lá Glas and a ceolchoirm where the boys performed “An Hocaí Pocaí” and “ An t-Earrach” for the rest of the school. Kayden won our seanfhocail competition, while all the boys enjoyed using the Frasaí an lae every day. We also paid a visit to Nenagh Castle where Tom Bán told us some interesting stories about St.Patrick.
This month saw the boys take part in rugby with Pat every Wednesday morning. They also continue to practice Yoga once a week with Mrs.Sheary. They are learning lots of interesting and testing poses including the Crow Pose.
The boys are also learning the ukulele every Thursday with Kevin. They have perfected the Waka Waka and In the Jungle using the ukulele and percussion instruments.
For maths we are learning about subtraction with renaming and weight.
Finally we are all looking forward to a hard earned rest over the easter holidays!
Mr. Smith’s 3rd class
This month, we were very busy.
Mr McLoughlin finished working with us. Thanks for all your help Sir!!!!
In maths, we covered fractions and decimal fractions. We investigated area too.
In gaeilge, bhíomar an-ghnóthach. We enjoyed engaging with several aspects of the spring theme including ”Lá le Pádraig” agus “An Cháisc”. We enjoyed Seachtain na Gaeilge and we performed “An bhfaca tú mo Shéamuisín?” for the St. Patrick’s day assembly.
In SESE we have been learning all about the Normans in Ireland. In science we studied the human body particularly the skeleton.
In art, we designed our own easter egg wrappers art. We designed a castle silhouette piece too.

Ms McCormack’s 3rd and 4th class
We welcome Reginaldo to third class. He is from Brazil and we hope that he is very welcome in our class.
Super news for our 4th class chess team. We qualified for the finals against schools from Limerick, Kerry and Tipperary. Our team of eight players battled hard and led all the way until the final round, where we were pushed into second place. We’re extremely proud of our chess team and we’re looking forward to more competitions.
Huge congratulations to Julian in our class who qualified for the All-Ireland butterfly swimming final in Dublin. He finished in sixth place and we’re super proud of you.
We have been very creative in art this month. We’ve made animal face collages, Mother’s Day cards, Easter baskets and Irish greeting cards. We also made spinning stories displaying illustrations of the story of Easter and the stations of the cross.
We are still enjoying our weekly trips to the library. This week, we also visited the Stations of the Cross in the church.
We love space! Our class love science and we have just finished studying Earth and the Moon. We have so many questions about comets and blackholes. We’re looking forward to finding out more after Easter.

Ms Maher’s 4th class
We began a ‘Run around Ireland’ in March, we complete a number of laps of the track each day and record this on the sheet – as we reach our destination we then move to the next place on the map – at the moment Rang 4 is coming back down from the North of Ireland.
Along with Mr. Smith’s Rang 3 we are having an Easter raffle to raise funds for our upcoming school tour – we hope we will win some Easter eggs.
We also had Lá Glas in March and we performed a song and a poem. We started swimming this month and we are now looking forward to our Easter holidays.
Mr Shine’s 5th class
Ms Shanahan’s 5th class
In Irish we enjoyed Seachtaine na Gaeilge – we had a week of fun activities through Irish and really enjoyed singing ‘Dance Monkey’ as gaeilge in front of the school at assembly.
In History we learnt about Feasts and Festivals in Ireland in the Celtic times – all the students did a project on one festival and presented it to the class.
In Geography we learnt about communications and we learnt about sound in Science.
For PE we had hurling with Pat and we had our first swimming lesson.
Sixteen of our class went to Bruff in Limerick to take part in our first Chess Tournament – it was a great day and the boys did really well. We continue to have chess with Colm and Jim every Thursday morning.
We designed Easter bunnies for Art.
We are all looking forward to a good rest over the Easter holidays and hope to come back refreshed and ready for the Summer Term.

Mr Hayes – 6th class
Mr O’Sullivan’s 6th class
March was a very busy month for us in room 9. We visited Mount St. Joseph’s monastery in Roscrea for our retreat as part of our preparation for Confirmation. A highlight for us was listening to Fr. Malachy who spoke to us about what it was like to be a monk. He was very interesting and he also showed us their amazing library.
We are currently taking part in “Run around Ireland Challenge” as part of Active Schools Flag and We notice ourselves being able to run longer distances every day.
Our entrance exams for secondary school also took place in March. It was great to visit their school again and are now looking forward to next year.
We are now really looking forward to our Easter holidays after a very busy term.
Mrs McCabe’s 2nd – 6th class
This month, we started Reading Buddies with Kinia
Kinia formerly Suas Ireland is an education focused non-profit, charity and social enterprise that brings together Camara Ireland, TechSpace and the Ireland focused programmes of Suas Educational Development. Collectively we are grounded in the belief that education is a key driver to increased equality and opportunity for children and young people, and we believe that by working together we can best realise that vision. We want to make sure future focused skills and learning opportunities are available for all children and young people.
The programme uses an online one to-one volunteering approach to improve children’s literacy skills and build their confidence in reading. The programme will include 6-8 children and will run in group sessions outside of the classroom for 30 minutes, twice a week for 8 weeks.
During sessions, each child will choose a book that they would like to read. They will then log on to a safe and secure hosting platform, using a device such as a tablet or laptop. Once logged on to the hosting platform, each child will be paired with one volunteer with whom they will work for the duration of the programme. All volunteers are garda vetted, screened and trained for the programme and sessions will always be overlooked by a school staff member.
Each volunteer will support the child to read the book out loud and have fun and engaging conversations around the book. Through this one-to-one support, children will have the opportunity to develop their word reading and comprehension skills in a fun environment.
At the end of the programme, each child will receive a certificate to recognise their hard work and motivate them to keep reading once the programme finishes.