End of Autumn News
by Ben Casey and TJ Crowe
Mr. Smith’s 2nd Class
This month our class did lots of amazing work.
In English, we have been learning all about recount writing.
We planned our own recount and wrote a recount about our summer holidays.
We have also been doing Power Hour this month.
In Irish, we have learned all the colours and numbers as gaeilge. We also learnt the poem – Oíche Shamhna.
In maths, we have studied pictograms and data, we looked at word problems and column addition with renaming.
In art, we designed our own conkers, we drew our own Halloween scenes and we print painted some Jack o’Lanterns. We also, learnt about primary colours and secondary colours.
In PE, we have been hurling with Christy, Sean Nós dancing with Olive and we have started swimming too.
Ms Glennon’s 2nd Class
We were very busy in October. We finished reading the B.F.G. We made dream jars. We learned about hedgehogs and spiders this month and created lovely art. Finally we spoke about bullying and completed an anti-bullying survey.
Ms Slattery’s 3rd class
In English we learned how to plan, write and type our own recount. We learned about syllables, prefixes and suffixes. In poetry we learnt Halloween is nearly here by Kenn Nesbit.
In Gaeilge we learnt new verbs and have been practising our own sentences using them. We focused on vocabulary for Oiche Shamhna. We learnt new games such as feicim le mo shuilin beag agus cad ata imithe.
In maths we are working hard learning our multiplication tables. We enjoy playing human chess as it tests us on our table.
In science we planted bulbs; we are monitoring them in class and watering them every week.
In art we made skeletons and ghosts for Halloween.
In Sean Nos Dancing we learnt the broom dance which was good fun.
Ms Hanly’s 3rd and 4th class.

In English, we all wrote our own recounts. Oren was the winner in our class and he read his at assembly. We learned a poem “Daddy Fell into the Pond” to preform for the school.
In Maths, we made our own bar and barline graphs in groups. We asked our classmates questions about favourite foods, favourite soccer teams and favourite computer games and used the information to draw the graphs. We were also very busy on Mangahigh. We played all sorts of maths games at home and at school. Dylan, Victor and Conor were in the top ten and our class was the top class in the school! We won sweets and homework coupons.
We finished our first block of swimming lessons at the pool. We can’t wait until it is our turn again. We are also continuing our hurling lessons with Christy. We were lucky to win golden time twice and enjoyed our trip to the park.
Mrs Finn came to the school and helped us planting hyacinths. Mikey and Ben will water them every week. Tháinig fear ó Conradh na Gaeilge agus rinne sé cluichí gaeilge linn. Bhaineamar an-taitneamh astu.
Mr Buckley’s class.
Mr Buckley’s class were very busy in October as they were doing Halloween art and have been making slime. They have done time and made clocks and they also made autumn art. We had a guess the sweets on the jar competition. We made chocolate owls with apples, cooking chocolate and toppings and we had a chocolate apple sale.
Ms Barry’s 4th class
This month we are eagerly awaiting Halloween, our classroom is decorated and in art we made 3-D silhouettes which Shane is showing in the photograph. Our chalices are also complete and they look really realistic. They will be on display in the school after the mid term. In art we also entered the Credit Union art competition and we are eagerly awaiting the results to see if anyone has won!
English- We are delighted to announce that Adam Hough was the winner of the Recount writing genre; he wrote a fantastic recount about going on a trip to Mayo with his Grandpa. Well done Adam!
Gaeilge- Bíomar ag foghlaim faoi Oíche Shamhna i nGaeilge. Bhí féasta mór ag Ciara agus Conor sa scéal. Beidh féasta againn ar an Aoine agus beimíd go léir gléasta suas ansin.
We are looking forward to the mid term break and we hope that everyone has a safe and Spoooooooky Halloweeeeen!! 🙂
Ms Maher’s 5th class
Ms Maher’s class has been very busy this month as they have been making not so scary scarecrows out of sticks. They have been reading two novels called care for Henry and reaching the heights. They have also been making very creative B.F.G models out of paper. They also had an oiche shaman board with lots of Irish words that are related to Halloween.
Mr Hannigan’s 6th class
Mr Hannigan’s class were very busy in October because they were doing tests on what they learned during the term. They have also been very creative with construction art, a bug’s life art and perspective art. They have also been writing interesting recounts. In science they learnt about the eye and made a diagram of the eye. They were also learning about the Fenians.
Mr Shine’s 6th class.
In maths we started fractions, decimals and the multiplication division of fractions.
In geography we started the Mountain Rivers and lakes in Ireland in all provinces.
In history we learned about the fenians and the start of the land war.
We finished our recount writing this month with Owen Richardson with winning recount this.
IN art we done a lot of art connected with Halloween.
We were lucky enough to get to go to the girl’s secondary school which we all enjoyed.
We are all looking forward to the next Halloween break.
Assembly Update
Well done to all of the boys who were winners of the recount writing genre.
The boys read their recounts brilliantly to the whole school.
The top scorers of the recent Manga High competition were announced too.
The boys put in a really big effort.
Super work!!
Finally, well done to the boys who were rewarded for their acts of kindness during the school year so far.
Trick or Treat for Temple Street
Well done to all of the boys who dressed up for and donated to Temple Street.
Some of the costumes were frighteningly good.
Sean nós dancing display
Well done to the boys who displayed to their sean nós dancing to the school.
Thanks to Olive who helped the boys so much this half term.
Poetry presentation
The boys also came together and showed off some of the poetry they have learnt this half term.
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