January News in the CBS
Ms Comerford’s and Ms Dooley’s senior infant classes
We have had a busy few weeks since our return to school. In Maths we have been enjoying our morning stations where we play games and use all kinds of toys and resources to learn.
In Aistear we explored the themes of “The Toy Shop” and “Winter”. We brought in our favourite toys for a “Show and Tell” and set up our own toy shop.
Our teachers read lots of “Winter” stories to us and we even went on a “Winter Hunt” to discover signs of Winter around our school grounds. We had a lot of fun!

Ms McCutcheon’s 2nd class
The boys have settled back into school after the Christmas holidays and they have been working very hard. They have been learning all about Fractions in Maths and Caitheamh Aimsire in Gaeilge.
The boys have started learning how to play chess this month and are really enjoying it.
The boys also designed a project on a grandparent of their choice for Catholic School’s Week. They put in an amazing effort. Well done lads!

Mr Smith’s 3rd class
This has been a very busy month in 3rd class.
In maths, we have been learning about symmetry and all about length. The boys are doing well here.
For our literacy hour with Ms Boland, we started reading novels in our groups.
The class engaged really well with Catholic school’s week. We enjoyed the daily lessons and we also provided great discussion to the topics.
In gaeilge, bhí muid ag foghlaim faoin aimsir don geimhreadh agus Caitheamh Aimsire.
In SESE, we studied the importance of the Bronze Age. We also discussed what geographers study and what they investigate, we looked at the province of Ulster too.
And through this learning, we have been using Google Classroom. We are getting used to this app and we are producing somne brilliant work.
In art, we designed our own symmetry art and we learnt how to draw a polar bear.

Mr Shine’s 4th class
It’s been a great welcome back to school here in 5th class with low temperatures to start January. It was great to be back in the classroom. We have been busy in class as well as swimming every Tuesday which is hugely popular. In history we looked at the history of Ireland in the seventeenth and eighteenth century and the break from the irish tradition of Brehon law. In art we did some lovely art based on the work of Wassily Kandinsky. We enter February with great expectations.
Ms Shanahan’s 4th class
January was a busy start to the new year.
In Maths we worked on division and in Irish we worked on the topic Caiteamh Aimsire. In Music we learned how to play the popular Two Johnnies song ‘When I play for the County’ on the Ukulele.
We started our swimming lessons and went every Tuesday. We had soccer trials for the school team and Andi, Luke and Cristoir got picked.
We all joined the town library and enjoyed spending time choosing books to bring home.
We started Power Hour in Literacy – all groups are reading a new novel and are working hard in their groups learning new vocabulary and comprehension skills .

Ms McCabe’s 2nd to 6th class
It was a great start to the new year in our class, we are looking forward to our Confirmation, our school tours and lots more. This January, we got into jigsaws. We like the challenge of making a jigsaw, and work it out together or in small groups.
We visited the secondary school last Friday. The class showed us a movie that they made, and they spoke about the class and school.
We had a lovely balloon chase in the Castle field, it was great fun.
We made our own short videos and sent them to our Reading Buddies.
We will be graduating in February with an online ceremony. It should be fun.