Oíche Shamhna, is maith liom í
Ms Barry’s Junior Infant class
We are busy preparing for Halloween in Junior Infants! Our classroom has become a spooky place! We have put up our decorations and in art we made pumpkins, ghosts and bats.
In Music we are learning the skeleton’s dance and it has been a lot of fun. We also learned the song dingle dangle scarecrow.
In Maths we have been working hard learning numbers and 2D shapes. We went on a shape hunt all around the school grounds during maths week to find 2D and 3D shapes.
In Literacy we have now learned the sounds ‘s, a, t, p, i, n’ and we are beginning to blend them together to make words. We also read the story ‘Room on the Broom’.
In Aistear our themes were Autumn and Halloween and we had great fun in the witch’s kitchen making potions and also selling our farm produce in the Farmer’s market.
We are very excited to dress up for our Halloween disco, it will be a great finish before the week off.
We hope that everybody has a great mid term break and we are looking forward to returning on November 7th.

Ms Sheary’s Junior Infant class
Ms. Sheary’s junior infants had a very busy month. This month our Aistear thenme was Halloween. We were busy making potions in the Witches Kitchen, building haunted houses and having a spooky doll’s disco. We visited the church and the Castle Gardens. We also had spooky story time in the library.
For Maths week, we went on a 2-D and 3-D shape around the grounds of the school. It was great fun. We are ready for our mid-term break where we will take some rest and get ready for the next half term.

Ms Glennon’s 2nd class
We had a very busy month in room 14. We enjoyed lots of fun activities for Maths Week including a maths trail, dice toss, step count, number hunt and around the world.
We had a trip to the library where we met our local fire men Kieran and Davey. They spoke to us about fire safety and what their job entails. Some of the boys even got to try on their fire hat and coat!
We really enjoyed our Gaelic Football blitz also. We played many other schools and got a taste of competition.
We started to learn the ukulele on a Thursday with Kevin. He is really fun and we are looking forward to learning many tunes during the year.
Alongside all these activities we learned about Oíche Shamhna and the history of Halloween. We carved our own pumpkin, dressed up and had a super disco on the final day. We are all ready for a well earned rest over midterm!

Mr Smith’s 3rd class
Our class has been busy again this month.
In maths, we have been investigating 3D shape and multiplication. We enjoyed maths week and thanks to Ms Doyle who organised a nice maths trail for our class.
In PE, we completed our Futsal and our gaelic football programmes.
In SESE, we examined some habitats and the importance of plants. Everyone got a chance to sew a daffodil bulb and we are watching its progress.
We learned about the people of Mesopotamia and the way their culture developed as their technology improved. It was very interesting.
In gaeilge, we have been ag labhairt faoi agus ag cleachtadh “an fómhar agus Oíche Shamhna”.
In art, we have created our own leaf relief art. These turned out grand. We also created a scarecrow display as part of the run in for Halloween. We did number art as part of maths week.

Ms McCormack’s 3rd/4th class
What a fantastic month. Our class loved maths week, especially when we went on a maths trail around the school. We also enjoyed maths card games and constructing 3D shapes with shapes with marshmallows. We might have eaten one or two!!
Our class studied Picasso and we were inspired by his work when we created our witches for Halloween. Some of them turned out really scary.
Gaelic football has come to an end. We thoroughly enjoyed our six lessons and can’t wait for hurling to start.
We’re really looking forward to our trip to the Art’s Centre this week. It’s all about the science of sweets.

Ms Maher’s 4th class
October has been really busy. We played Futsal and Gaelic Football and learnt a lot of new skills. In Maths we are learning all about long multiplication and in Gaeilge all about Oíche Shamhna.
We made lovely haunted houses in art using cartons they look really well. Ms. Kelly made some buns and we got to decorate them – they were delicious. We had a lovely disco on our last day of school and we got to eat popcorn and drink hot chocolate.
Happy Halloween from Ms. Maher’s 4th class.
Mr Shine’s 5th class
This has been a really busy October here in 5th class. In the lead up to Halloween we have been doing a lot of art in the lead up to spooky Halloween. In class we have done 4 weeks of cycle safety which have been an excellent course where we learned that we must always wear our helmets when we cycle.
We have also started learning German in class with an excellent teacher who comes in once a week.
As well as this we have been doing all our usual work.
A busy month.

Ms Liston/Ms Shanahan’s 5th class
Our class fitted a lot into October.
In English we read some new stories and learnt a lot of new vocabulary. In Irish we learnt about An Scoil and did lots of activities about Halloween. In Maths we learnt about angles and data.
In History we learnt all about The Normans and about the artist Leonardo Da Vinci. In Geography we learnt about the Mountains, Lakes and Rivers in Ireland. We are continuing to enjoy using Book creator -we are using it to make projects to show what we have learnt and then the boys present these to the class.
We had cycling every Tuesday with Leroy and Nicola from Cycle Safe Ireland.
In maths week we took part daily in a target board competition and we also took part in The Big Zoom Quiz which was run by mathsweek.ie, We were one of 589 classes around the country that took part.
We took part in a competition run by the Wellness competition and had great fun making Pedro our scarecrow.
London Bridge and This Old Man are the new tunes we learnt on the tin whistle.
We had great fun on the last day of term – we all dressed up for Halloween, paraded our outfits in front of the school, carved pumpkins and had a school disco.

Mr O’Sullivans 6th class
October has been another very busy month for room 9. We finished our rugby sessions with Pat this month. It was great fun and We learned lots of new skills and the rules of rugby. Swimming lessons will be commencing next month and We are really looking forward to that.
Maths Week also took place during this month and the games and activities that went along with this were very enjoyable.
The enrolment ceremony for our Confirmation took place this month in St. Mary’s of the Rosary. It was a lovely ceremony and it was great to see all the other boys and girls from the other schools also taking part and we look forward to doing more preparation now for the Confirmation.

Mr Hayes’s 6th class
In English we finished our class novel, Holes by Louis Sachar. We enjoyed the story. We read in groups and worked with Ms.Boland, Mr.Buckley and Mr.O’Meara too. As a treat we also watched the movie Holes.
In Maths we did Lines + angle and Data. We made line graphs, bar charts and pie charts based on the 2016 census.
We also visited Nenagh Arts Centre to view the Garda exhibition and we had a great time looking at old photos , uniforms and talking to current members of the force in Nenagh.
Ms McCabe’s 2nd – 6th classroom
What a busy month of October we had. We visited the library regularly, and made pancakes, beans on toast, rice krispie buns and poached eggs. We did lots of cutting and painting for our Halloween themed art. We carved a pumpkin and we decorated our room. We had a talk about Fire safety in the library, and we invited the Fire men to speak to the rest of the school because fire safety is very important.