Spring in the CBS
Ms Barry’s – Junior Infants
This month we celebrated St. Brigid’s Day by making St. Brigid’s crosses with boys from 6 th class and
we created a cloak for St. Brigid. We also visited the church and went on a nature walk to see signs
of Spring. We saw buds on the trees, snowdrops and daffodils.
We celebrated our loved ones on Valentine’s Day by making love bug art, handprint frames and
mosaics. We loved Valentine’s Day!
On Pancake Tuesday we had pancakes with sprinkles, chocolate and marshmallows- they were
In English we are learning sight words and we are able to recognise them in books. We know all of
our sounds now so we are blending them together to read.
In Maths we were learning how to write numbers and learning all about the number 5.
In Music we started learning the songs ‘Black Velvet Band’ and ‘A Million Dreams’.
We have had lots of fun in February and we are looking forward to plenty more in March.

Ms. Sheary – Juniors Infants
This month saw the start of Spring. We went on a lovely Spring nature walk where we spotted signs of new life. We found daffodils and snowdrops. We also looked for buds on the trees.
We learned all about the farm this month and read lots of stories such as ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’ and ‘What the ladybird heard’. Both books are written by Julia Donaldson. She is our favourite author.
We made some lovely cards for our loved ones this month also.

Mr. Smith’s 3rd class
We had a busy time during February.
We have really enjoyed working with Mr McLoughlin this month.
In maths, we have been investigating measures; length and time.
In SESE, we have been dealing with the topic of the sea/the ocean. We discussed the importance of conservation and how pollution can impact on the different ecosystems and habitats.
In February, we also engaged with the stories of St Brigid and St Valentine.
Ms FitzGerald set up a nice pancake station in the class for Shrove Tuesday and we got to put together our own pancakes. They were delicious. Thank you Ms FitzGerald!!!!
We were also lucky to have a visit from some of the team from Nenagh Fire Station which was something we found very interesting and informative.

Ms McCormack’s 3rd and 4th class
Spring has sprung in Ms. McCormack’s class. The children have enjoyed drawing daffodils and weaving beautiful vases.
Pancake Tuesday went down a treat. The favourite filling in the class was Nutella with marshmallows!
The class have been busy practising their chess moves for the upcoming chess competition in Limerick against lots of other schools.
We have a huge love of reading this year and we’re enjoying a weekly visits to Nenagh library.
Swimming has started. Every Tuesday our class is making a big splash and enjoying having fun with our friends in the pool.

Mr Shine’s 4th class
February has been a very busy month here in 5th class. We have started swimming lessons on a Tuesday where we go to Nenagh pool with Mrs McCormacks class.
In english, we started a new novel about Tom Crean, the Antarctic explorer.
We have had a very busy month indeed.
Ms Shanahan’s 5th class
We had a lovely month in our class. We were busy with our JEP project. Ciaran Scully the owner of Supermacs in Nenagh gave our class a talk about entrepreneurship. He gave us some good tips and hopefully has inspired some future entrepreneurs!
We were busy taking orders for our ‘pencil points’. We had over one hundred orders. Many have been made and delivered and the feedback has been very positive. We are making plans on how to spend the profits!
The whole class became members of Nenagh library and enjoyed choosing from a wide range of books.
In Art we looked at spring flowers – daffodils and tulips and made lovely drawings.
Each student did a project on book creator about one of the countries playing in the six nations rugby tournament and presented their project to the class.
In maths we worked on length and in Gaeilge our topic was eadai.

Mr O’Sullivan’s 6th class
We were busy this month preparing for our confirmation in class and with the help of Fr. Rexon.
Some of our class are involved in the school soccer team and played 2 matches this month. Gaelic football finishes for our class last week and We really had great fun with Pat.
Feel good Friday took place last week and boys from our class helped organise this by creating the playlist and setting up speakers in the school yard. The whole school seemed to enjoy this initiative.
Mrs McCabe’s 2nd – 6th class
We made soup with spinach, onions, carrots, parsnips, celery and tomato paste. It was delicious. We like our soup as it is very healthy and fills you up. We also make smoothies twice a week for breakfast. We put in frozen fruit, juice and milk. It tastes delicious. We love February as it is Springtime. We are getting excellent at our typing, and we are enjoying our novel, War Game.