Spring in the CBS
Ms Sheary’s junior infant classes
This month has been a busy month for Junior Infants. We have learning all about Spring and the
changes that occur in our local environment. We went on a Spring nature walk and spotted the buds on
the trees and the beautiful spring flowers that have started to bloom. We learned about the farm this
month and the baby animals that are being born at this time.
We celebrated St. Brigid’s Day and learned all about her. We were also celebrated for Valentine’s Day
and made some beautiful art work for the ones we love.
It was also Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Tuesday this month and we got some beautiful pancakes from Mrs.
McCabe’s class. They were delicious.
We learned a bit about Lent and we are trying really hard to be extra kind to all our friends.

Ms Comerford’s and Ms Dooley’s senior infant classes
Senior infants started the new season off leaving all about spring. We investigated how plans grow and what they need to do so. We even planted some cress seeds and they have started to germinate! We can’t wait to watch them grow!
In maths we learned how to measure things like how long our desks were and our books and copies. It was great fun to guess our answers and then measure the results! We made some lovely Valentines Day art and also made great progress with our reading. In Aistear we had great fun recreating the garden centre and learning all about the different types of plants, flowers and equipment you might find there.

Ms McCutcheon’s 2nd class
We have had a really busy month in 2nd class. The boys started the month of February by making St. Brigid’s Day crosses.
They also learned how to play the drums and how to play snooker. They had so much fun!
We celebrated Pancake Tuesday and as you can see from the photos, the pancakes went down a treat. Well done for a great month’s work boys!
Mr Smith’s 3rd class
It’s been another busy month in 3rd class.
In Literacy, we have continued reading our novels; The Iron Man, The Sheep Pig and TJ and the Cup Run.
In SESE, we have been engaging with the famous explorers. This included the story of St. Brendan and also the Viking age in Ireland. We learnt about some famous Vikings and some famous gaels, like Brian Ború. The boys found this fascinating.
In art, we designed our own Viking brooches. We also drew our own imaging of Hy-brasil.
In PE we have continued our rugby with Pat. The boys are really enjoying it. We also got to go to McDonagh Park for a gaelic football blitz

Ms Shanahan’s 4th class
In February our class learnt all about Spring in Irish. We did some lovely drawings of Spring flowers in Art. We continued with our Power Hour in English and are enjoying reading our novels. We did projects on Italy at home and presented them to the class and drew pictures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. We had pancakes for Pancake Tuesday. Andi and Luke represented our school in a soccer tournament. All our class took part in a Gaelic Football blitz against other schools in the GAA club in Nenagh. We ran a class chess tournament to pick players to represent our school in an upcoming tournament. We finished our swimming lessons with a fun day in the pool. Pat from Nenagh Rugby Club brought in the URC cup to our class and has inspired lots of boys to play for Munster.

Mr Shine’s 5th class
This month we have had a student teacher called Mr o Toole in our class. He has done some great lessons in the class . We made sculptures out of clay in art and also did some very interesting Rangoli patterns. In history we looked at some myths and legends in Ireland and in science we explored circuits in electricity and also static electricity with balloons. We were also swimming for P.E. We also did plenty of Drama and music.
Ms Maher’s 6th class
February has been a lovely month in school and we have been very busy. We had great fun on Pancake
Tuesday and Ms. Maher made some batter and we got to cook our own pancakes and had a variety of
toppings – Nutella, Lemon juice, sugar, blueberries and bananas. We also got to use calculators in maths
and this made maths problems so much easier. Pat the rugby coach brought the URC2023 that Munster
won to our school, it is a huge trophy and very heavy to hold.
Ms McCabe’s 2nd to 6th class
On Pancake Tuesday we organised, advertised and ran a pancake day. We made over 200 pancakes and had toppings to go with them. We had: Nutella, marshmallows, honey, Maple Syrup, sugar and lemon. It was a great success and we raised money towards our school tour.
We finished doing our reading Buddies with MAZARS and KINIA. We held an online graduation and each of us received a certificate and a book. It was a great experience and we are hoping to continue with the programme after Easter.
We celebrated the Chinese New Year by studying and learning all about China. We also made Chinese lanterns.