Springtime in the CBS

Springtime in the CBS

Ms Glennon’s Junior Infant class

This month Junior infants learned all about 3D Shapes. We did a shape hunt around the school and we constructed 3D shapes from playdough and straws. We also learned about fractions and sharing things equally.

We learned about the Aimsir as Gaeilge.

We learned all about St.Valentine and made lovely cards for our Mammy & Daddy.

We are continuing to practice our sounds in English and we are starting to blend these sounds now to make small words.

We started “Camán Everybody” and it was great fun. We are looking forward to 6weeks of hurling coaching with Nenagh Éire Óg starting next week.

Ms Dooley’s Senior Infant’s class

February has flown by in Senior Infants. We have enjoyed welcoming the new season, Spring. We have been learning about the signs of Spring and have even started making flowers for our own “Spring garden”.

In Maths we have been doing lots of  exploration of 2-D and 3D shapes. We made houses from lollipop sticks and 2-D shapes. We used polydrons to create all sorts of objects from cubes and cuboids to footballs and princess crowns. It was lots of fun.

We have also been learning about “Time”. We used clocks to make the time and read the stories “Cinderella” and Tiddler” and sang “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” which have lots of mentions of “time”. In PE we had great sport playing the yard game “What Time is it Mr Wolf?”

In Gaeilge we have been learning all about Éadaí (clothes). We sang lots of songs  and practiced using  our dathanna (colours) to describe Éadaí (clothes).

This month we had lots to celebrate. We celebrated Valentine’s Day by creating lovely Valentine’s cards and colourful love hearts inspired by the artist, Kadinsky. We were so excited to give them to our loved ones. 

We also celebrated the visit of Jake Donelan Houlihan and Billy O Brien with the Irish Press minor hurling cup which they won with Tipp last June by beating Kilkenny. Jake is a past pupil of our school. We are excited to be revisiting our own hurling/Camogie skills this March when we will get a chance to learn the skills and play the game here in school. 

Ms Shanahan’s 1st class

In February, we learnt about the time in Maths and bigger numbers. We are learning  to write longer sentences in English and practising our reading dailly. We learnt all about animals that hatch from eggs and watched lots of cool clips of snakes, crocolidles, spiders and other animals hatching. We learnt about the life cycle of the frog and also about Mexico. In Art, we made love heart chains for Valentine’s day and Maracas. We learnt the ‘Jambo’ song in Music. We have enjoyed the better weather and were able to spend more time enjoying our new school playground. 

Ms McCutcheon’s 1st and 2nd class

The boys and girls have been working very hard this month. They are learning about Éadaí in Irish and Money in Maths. They made beautiful Valentine’s Cards this month and are looking out for signs of Spring in our surroundings.

The boys and girls took part in a ground hurling blitz on the Borrisokane AstroTurf field. They played some brilliant hurling and they really enjoyed their day out. Well done everyone!

Mr Smith’s 3rd class

We’ve been really busy again this month.

In maths, we have been engaging with area and equations.

In literacy, we have been reading novels. The Iron Man, Care of Henry and The Sheep Pig are some of the texts the groups are reading. Everyone is enjoying this aspect of our learning.

In SESE, we have learnt about mountains and how they are formed, we also studied some of the mountains of Ireland of the world. The boys really engaged well with this.

We also, discovered the story of St. Brendan. We enjoyed this story greatly.

In art we have created our own “Rock Climbing” art. We also designed our own Hy-Brasil island of paradise scenes. These turned out great.

Mr Buckley’s 4th class

This month we did long multiplication for our maths. We read about ‘An Linn Snámha’ in Irish. We created old treasure maps based on our knowledge of Kensuke’s Kingdom. We wrote a narrative story about Titanic and also studied it as part of our history lesson. We  began swimming this month.

Ms McCabe’s 2nd – 6th classroom

We had a lovely February in our school. We welcomed St Brigids day with a walk to the Nenagh park. We had great fun on the zip line and the slide. 

We started a new novel by David Williams. It is called Super sleuth. It is about a girl called Dilly and her trusted dog Watson. They are travelling on a ship and have to solve a murder before they arrive at their destination.