Summer in Nenagh CBS
Ms Barry’s class
In May we learned about Holy Mary and we created our May altar and learned the Hail Mary prayer. We also learned about the wonder of new life in RSE and we learned about growing and changing.
We studied the life cycle of a plant and we planted sunflower seeds which have sprouted and we are enjoying watching them grow. We water them every day and check their growth.
In art we learned about the artist Keith Haring and we recreated some of his artwork. We learned about love and representing love and families in art.
We also created flip flop art for Summer and we used a variety of materials to make them.
In Irish we learned about ‘An Teilifís’ and we had great fun using masks.
Our month ended on a high note when the fire truck visited our school. We got to climb into the fire truck and try out the hose.
We enjoyed the month of May and we are looking forward to our last month in Junior Infants.

Ms.Glennon’s class May 2023
We had a busy and exciting month of May in rang 2. We received the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time on May 6th. Everybody had a great day. The boys represented themselves, their family and their school brilliantly and should be really proud.
We had our last session of the Ukulele with Music Generation Tipperary. The boys enjoyed learning and singing different songs with Kevin during the year.
We learned lots about the history of Nenagh Castle and are currently preparing a Stop-Motion video about it. We even paid a visit to the castle and climbed to the very top. Everybody was really excited to point out their homes from the top.
We had a 2nd and 3rd class hurling blitz that was great fun. Cork ran out eventual winners!
We are enjoying the lovely weather and looking forward to the last month in school before the summer break.
Mr Smith’s class
We have been very busy this month in third class.
In maths, we have been working very hard on multiplication and division.
In irish, we have been learning all about “sa bhaile”.
In SESE, we studied Ancient Egypt and we also looked into the geography of modern Egypt. We all designed a beautiful Nemes, which is the headdress worn by the pharaoh. We also drew a desert scene inspired by the Sahara and the pyramids of Giza.
Currently, we are reading a brilliant novel by Ted Hughes called “the Iron Man”.

Ms Maher’s class
In swimming we completed our 5 weeks of swimming, we really enjoyed learning how to swim.
We also had a student teacher called Ms. Grosu in our classroom for 5 weeks, she did lovely lessons with us – we got to make parachutes, windmills and planets. She also dressed up as an Alien.
We had Food Dudes for 1 week, we had apples, peppers, mandarins, cucumbers, strawberries, blueberries, carrots and bananas.
Mr. Shine’s class
May was an incredibly exciting month here in 5th class especially as the weather has improved and has become lovely and sunny. We are trying to spend more time outside learning. we also completed our end of year tests this month which was a busy period. We also had time to learn about the irish potato famine and its effects on irelands population. In art we have been doing origami and have some lovely examples of our work.

Ms Shanahan’s class
May was full of activities for 5th class. We learnt about Mexico in Geography, the Great Famine in History and materials in Science. We had our testing over three days. We finished up our swimming lessons with a fun session. We went to the Nenagh Arts Centre for a talk on water safety from the RNLI – we got lots of good information. We had the football league at lunchtimes during the month and the final was watched by the whole school. Juventus won the cup and Celtic won the Shield. The boys really enjoyed the tournament. We went to the college in Thurles to learn about coding. We had a full day to celebrate our success with our JEP ‘Pencil Point’ project. We went to Nenagh Park, watched a dvd and went to Supermacs where we could order what we liked off the menu! We also bought a basketball for every class in the school and donated 150e to the Nenagh Special Summer camp.

Ms McCabe’s class
We had a lovely visit to the Garda Station. Niall brought us into the reception area, then to the cells, and finally he showed us the cars and bikes outside. We tried the handcuffs and we got locked up in the van. It was a great visit. We went to the park with Ms Shanahan’s class and then we went to Supermacs. It was great. We also went to the Town Hall for a talk about water safety. It was very interesting.