Summer Summary
Ms. Comferford’s 2ndclass
We made our First Holy Communion in St. Mary’s of the Rosary church. It was a super day and we worked really hard for it.
In geography, we learned all about Africa, especially Ethiopia.
We made percussion instruments and had lots of fun performing tribal chants.
In maths, we learned about weight and how much sugar is in fizzy drinks.
In art, we made snails and painted them bright colours.
Our class also got to make a trip to Nenagh Garda station.
Mr. Smith’s 2nd class
This month was really busy for our class.
In English, we are covering narrative writing and are currently planning our own narrative pieces.
We made our First Holy Communion in St. Mary’s of the Rosary church. It was a super day and we had prepared really hard for it. We also learned about Pentecost Sunday in our Religion class.
In irish we learned the names of different animals in the zoo.
Ms. Slattery’s 3rd class
In Room 2, we were very busy during the month of May.
In English, we were learning about narrative writing and how to compose a great story. We completed our Micra T tests.
In Maths, we completed our last topics which focused on Lines, Angles and Chance. We also did our Sigma T tests.
In History, we chose an Artic explorer and worked in Groups to research and compile projects on our chosen explorer.
In Geography, we enjoyed learning about The Solar System and writing interesting facts about each planet.
In Art, we created 3-D models of the Solar System.
In P.E., we have enjoyed visiting the Athletics Club and learning new skills such as sprinting, mastering the long jump, the high jump and throwing a javelin.
We had a great day at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin and we watched our team claim 2nd place after defeating the other provinces in soccer.
Ms. Barry’s 4th class
In Science we learned how milk is processed into a drinkable fluid and where cows are in the food chain.
In Religion we learned that the month of May is for Mary, Jesus’s mother.
In English we learned how to write and compose an excellent narrative.
In Geography we learned about Japan and what a beautiful country it is.
Fourth class participated in the family night with the CBS band. They prepared a selection of tunes on the recorder which they played for their families and enjoyed listening to the band. Everybody had a fantastic time. A big thank you to Mrs Curran, our music teacher.
In Science, we learned about materials, solids, liquids and gasses. We did experiments with dissolving liquids. We also studied the human body and had great fun investigating fingerprints like detectives.
In English, we have been doing narrative writing. We are writing some fantastic stories.
We all enjoyed our trip to the Aviva stadium. We made our own headbands to wear on the day. We are going to the athletics track every Wednesday with Ms Slattery’s class.
In Science, we learned about materials, solids, liquids and gasses. We did experiments with dissolving liquids. We also studied the human body and had great fun investigating fingerprints like detectives.
In English, we have been doing narrative writing. We are writing some fantastic stories.
We all enjoyed our trip to the Aviva stadium. We made our own headbands to wear on the day. We are going to the athletics track every Wednesday with Ms Slattery’s class.
Ms. Maher’s 5th class
In English we read a book called Under the Hawthorn Tree.
In Maths we learnt about capacity of variable different objects.
In Art we made grass head hogs out of socks soil and grass seeds. We also made wax paintings.
In History we wrote about the famine and made charcoal pictures which made up scenes from the famine.
In Geography we learned about the 7 ancient wonders of the world and made papier Mache pictures to represent them.
In Irish we learned about the weather.
We made headbands to support our school soccer team and they done amazing by coming 2nd in Ireland.
Mr. Hannigan’s 6th class
In biology, we learned about flowers and plants and built them out of lego
We went on our school tour to the UL sports centre. It was a great day.
We made our confirmation on the 20th of May with Mr. Shine.
Mr. Shine’s 6th class
In May we learned about biodiversity and the importance of plants.
We made our Confirmation which was very nice.
We went to UL Sports Centre for our school tour.
Mr. Buckley’s class
We grew caterpillar into butterflies and released them into the wild.
We made head bands and signs to support our soccer team.
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