The summer holidays have arrived! We had a great year in the CBS and are looking forward to seeing everybody back again for more learning and fun next year. Farewell to our sixth classes and best of luck to you all in your new schools. Welcome to our new second classes. We hope you will enjoy your time here.
June has been a very busy month here in the CBS. All classes went on school tours, 6th class held their graduation mass and said goodbye to us all, the whole school went down to Nenagh Olympic Athletic track for an athletics day, C.O.W (Cycle on Wednesday), 4th and 5th classes held a Soccer Blitz, four boys represented the school in a tennis competition, 2nd classes went on a nature trail and we held the final school assembly of the year.
Take a look at some of the photos below.
C.O.W- Cycle on Wednesday
We had a huge turn out for Cycle in Wednesday. Greenschools coordinator, Ms McCabe joined the boys cycling from the church to the school and Mr Buckley accompanied the boys from the senior classes who cycled to the Athletic Track. Thank you to the Gardaí who provided an escort.

We have been very lucky this term to have volunteers from Nenagh Olympic Athletic Club teaching athletics to the boys. On Wednesday the 18th of June, the boys went to the indoor athletic track to use the fantastic facilities there. They tried running, hurdles, relay races, long jump, high jump and throwing the javelin. Everybody had a great day! Thank you to Nenagh Olympic for this fantastic opportunity.

Tennis Competition
Paddy, Paraic, Kian and Adam represented the school in the Schools Tennis Competition held at Nenagh Lawn Tennis Club. They played very well and won all their matches. They came in 2nd place after losing out on point difference to Ballinaclough. Well done boys!
Soccer Blitz
The 4th and 5th classes went to a soccer blitz held in the Nenagh A.F.C grounds at Brickfields. Teams of seven played a series of matches against teams from Carrig N.S, Gaelscoil Aonach and our own school. The teams were then split into a shield and cup competition. Nenagh CBS Rovers won the Shield final against Carrig N.S. while CBS United lost the cup final in extra time to the Gaelscoil. Everybody had a great day. Thank you to Mr Buckley for organising this fantastic event and to all the teachers and students who participated.
Final Assembly
Lots of awards were given out at our last assembly of the year.
100% Attendance
Boys who didn’t miss a single day all year received a gold medal. Well done boys. We hope that there will be a much bigger crowd receiving medals next year!
Acts of Kindness
Ms Brophy opened the ‘Acts of Kindness’ box. This box is kept in reception and when someone is caught doing a kind act they can be nominated for a prize. The acts of kindness included picking up rubbish, helping teachers and asking people to play in the yard. Congratulations to everyone who received an award.
The final style of writing that we studied this year was exposition. One boy was chosen from each class to read his exposition aloud at assembly and receive an award. We heard some fantastic arguments including “Should Children have Mobile Phones?”, “Why Qatar shouldn’t hold the World Cup”, “Should I go to bed when I want?”. Well done boys.
Nature Trails
The two second classes were very lucky to take part in a nature walk organised by James Gleeson. James took the boys on a tour around the school campus and showed them lots of interesting plants and insects. He told them stories about each plant and answered all their difficult questions. Thanks James!

All the classes went on school tours this month. Second classes went to Cahir Castle, The Rock of Cashel and Michelstown Caves. Third classes went to Bunratty Castle and Fossetts Circus. Fourth and Fifth classes went to an activity day in UL and the sixth classes had a busy day in Dublin where they visited The National History Museum, Croke Park and the National Aquatic Centre.
3rd Class at Bunratty Castle and the Circus
6th Class in Dublin
Sixth Class Graduation
We bid a fond farewell to our sixth classes. Father Dan came to the school to say a graduation mass for the boys and their families. The boys displayed some of their work during the year on the walls of the GP room and sang some meaningful songs. A slideshow of photos of the boys during the years concluded the event. We hope the boys enjoyed their time in the CBS and will remember it fondly. We wish you all the very best of luck in your new schools next year.
Last but certainly not least, we say goodbye to Ms Callinan who is retiring after many years in the CBS. She will be missed by all the staff and students but especially by the boys in room 6. We wish you a long and happy retirement.
The school will reopen on Monday the 1st of September at 9:10 am.
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The End of a Busy School Year – C.B.S Primary Nenagh