We are Winter Ready
Mr Smith’s class
This month was very busy for our class.
After the Halloween break, we really enjoyed the Tipp teams visit to the school.
For science week, we got to do some fun activities. Ms Brophy came to our class, she helped us understand chromatography and its uses. We carried out our own chromatography experiment also. In class, we heat conduction using balloons. We carried out some floating and sinking experiments too using different fruit.
In maths we have looked at shapes and symmetry and addition with renaming too.
In history, we learned about Grainne Mhaol.
In art, we created our own galley and drew our own winter/polar bears.
Ms Glennon’s class
Room 3 went with MS. Brophy to the C.B.S secondary school to do experiments on chromatography.
In procedural writing they made chocolate marshmallows hats. They also sewed crocus bulbs with Mrs. Finn.
They learned all about space in S.E.S.E and made their own rockets.
They are currently preparing for their Christmas concert with Mr. Smyth’s class.
Room 3 started adoration in the church in preparation for their Holy Communion.
Ms Liston’s class
Room 2 have been swimming with great success every Tuesday and have really enjoyed the lessons.
They’re daffodil bulbs are steadily growing. Some of the boys are on watering duties once a week.
Their class are covering the Fabric and Fibre strand. The boys are also learning to sew using the running stitch, the back stitch and the satin stitch; the boys are really enjoying it.
On Friday they will be starting chess lessons and are very much looking forward to a new challenge.
Ground Hurling started this week and already the boys are reporting back how much fun it is.
Preparation is well underway for the Christmas celebration with the boys practicing their songs both at home and in school. The English, Irish and Maths curriculum has been very busy covering very interesting topics all through the week.
Ms Comerford’s class
Room 1 have started Rugby on Wednesdays.
They have a hurling league on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Room 1 are getting ready for the Christmas concert on the 5th of December at 7 o’clock.
Mr Hayes’s class
In Maths they learned about Money, they loved it.
For Science week they did some cool experiments such as taking colour out of skittles and seeing and seeing how oil and water can’t mix.
In Art they painted using celery sticks and used crayons and chalk to make rainbow pictures our Artist Rachel helped us with our cardboard constructions.
They had their last swimming lesson of the year. They really enjoyed it very much.
They are looking forward to a busy Christmas, starting with the school concert on December 5th.
Ms Spaight’s class
They really enjoyed science week. They did lots of experiments. They made lava lamps and our very own volcanoes. They figured out a way to inflate balloons. They have been busy preparing for Christmas. They designed snow globes and painted winter trees.
They have been acknowledging our achievements since the start of 4th class and we have put these on our class achievement tree. They have been improving our fitness with boot camp on Fridays also they are really looking forward to our Christmas concert and they are preparing their songs.
Ms Maher’s class
Our class visited the library twice in November.
We went to the C.B.S secondary school during science week and Mr. Scully preformed many experiments and really enjoyed it. When we came back to school we did the cola and Mentos experiment and the class had great fun.
We did some winter art using a range of colours and dabbing paint to create a winter scene. We also designed personal book marks for our library books.
We had a cake sale with room 14 and made lots of money. The boys made some delicious cakes and buns. We are learning all about long division in maths. We are preparing for the Christmas concert and really looking forward to preforming next Thursday which is on the 5th of December.

Ms McCabe’s class
Room 14 completed the six weeks of cycle training and got their certificates. They are still doing chess with Colm and Jim. they even made their own chess club.
In Maths they did Data, average, percentage, graphs such as tally, bar line and pictograms.
In English Room 14 done Homophones, pronouns, suffixes and adjectives. They also started reading a novel called “Under the Hawthorn Tree” which is really sad.
In Irish they did consans, Aimsir Chaite + Láithreach, séanfhocals and made a masculine and feminine chart with Mr Tynan.
In Geography we learned about the counties of Ireland, lakes and rivers, water and climate change. They also learned about fossil gas and renewable gas.
In History they learned about the Normans and they are making a project about them.
In Science they enjoyed science week and they went to the C.B.S secondary school to do science experiments with Mr. Skully.
In Drama they acted out the children of Lir, The water show, the alien ad and school Newsday.
In PE they did dead ants, crab football and they did rounders.
Ms Boland’s class
Since Halloween Mr. Shine has been doing lots of work with them on their Robotics project. Their Robot is really progressing and is nearly complete, they have organised for the whole school to have a “No Uniform Day” on November 29th to help raise money for this project.
This Month they had a wonderful day visiting Nenagh Collage. Everyone got to experience lots of classes including coding, science, P.E, Home Economics (They made pizzas), Woodwork (They made a pencil holder) And Metal work (they made a keyring).
They also got to visit the CBS Secondary School for science week where Mr. Skully performed lots of interesting experiments with them.
Over the past few weeks their class have joined up with Mr. O Sullivan’s 6th class in preparing for their Christmas celebration. The class can’t wait for 6th December where the boys will be preforming “The Pipes Of Peace”.
Mr O’Sullivan’s class
Room 9 have done pop art and they really enjoyed it.
They are getting ready with Ms. Boland’s class for the Christmas concert on the 5th of December.
Room 9 also went to visit C.B.S secondary school to do some science experiments with Mr. Scully for science week.
They also visited Nenagh collage to do woodwork, metalwork, P.E, home economics, coding and science.
Room 9 won 1st place in mangahigh for the class with the most points and received a prize which they went to the cinema to watch a movie.
Ms Sheary’s class
This month Room 5d learned all about the Celts. They read the story “the Salmon of Knowledge”. It was very interesting for them. They have enjoyed science week and went to various events through the week. Ms Sheary had baked with her class this month. They also were focused on making cheap and healthy breakfasts.