Wonderful Winter News
Ms. Glennon’s 2nd class
In November, we learned a lot about space. We learned all about the life of an astronaut and about the first insects, people and animals in space. During Science Week we had a Zoom call with a rapper called Jon Chase. He taught us a lot about our Solar System.
We had a short prayer service with Fr.Rexan where we remembered all the people who have passed away. The first Sunday of Advent was at the end of November so we made some lovey advent wreaths.
We covered the topic of “ArScoil” as Gaeilge and completed some nice winter art. We are starting to prepare for our Christmas performance in December, something we are really looking forward to.
Mr. Smith’s 2nd class
We have been very busy in school this month.
In maths, we have looked estimation and place value.
In history, we learnt about Granuaile.
We started our hurling with Bertie and Conor. We can feel ourselves getting more skillful with each session.
We also wore our county colours on the Friday of the weekend of the 21st of November marking Bloody Sunday.
In art, we designed our own Grace O’Malley galley.
Ms. Spaight’s 3rd class
We had a busy November in Room 2. Science Week was lots of fun. We had a zoom call with the rapper Jon Chase who taught us all about the solar system through rap!!!
Ms. Brophy taught us about Surface Tension. We each got to carry out experiments. We also had great fun with Bouncing Bubbles.
In November we have been remembering all of those who have sadly gone before us and we took part in a Remembrance Day Service with Fr Rexan via Zoom.
Nikita won a colouring competition with Supermacs and the whole class got pizza’s delivered to the school as the prize! They were a delicious treat on a rainy Monday.
We are delighted that we are now able to use the computer room again and we have been learning to type using typingclub.com.
In Math’s we have been learning about time and we are getting really good at telling the time.
In S.E.S.E we have been learning about the Solar System and the Antarctic explorer Tom Crean. He was so brave.
In Art, we have been working on Winter scenes using chalk. We are looking forward to making our First Holy Communion on December 11th .

Ms. Comerford’s 3rd class
In room 1 we are busy preparing for our First Holy Communion which is taking place on Friday 11th of December.
We are very excited to finally receive the sacrament.
We are also practicing our Christmas songs and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss.
We have made lovely Christmas Cards for people in the local community and look forward to sending them off.
Ms. Barry’s 4th class
November was another busy month in Room 13, these are some of the things that we did this month.
November is the month of the Holy Souls and we remember those who have passed away. We prayed for those who have passed away and joined in the school assembly with Fr. Rexon to pray for them.
Science Week
We really enjoyed science week this year and we participated in two activities through Science Foundation Ireland. These were great fun and we learned a lot, we learned about our Senses and also about Forensic Science and carried out some experiments based on these.
History, Geography and Art
This month we learned all about Italy, the Romans and some history about Art in Italy. We learned about some famous Italian artists such as Leonardo Di Vinci and Michaelangelo, we learned that he spent four years painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. We pretended to be him by painting upside down under our desks- it was very tricky but we had good fun!
In Maths we were learning about Lines and Angles, Fractions and Money and we are improving every day.
We started rugby this month, we are really enjoying learning new skills and every week we are improving. We are very lucky to have our coach Paddy to train us each week.
Ms. Boland’s 4th class
Once again this month Room 8 have been really busy.
Every Wednesday morning we have been going out to rugby with Pat Fitzpatrick. Our ball handling, passing, and dodging skills are continuing to improve and we are having lots of fun.
We are reading the English novel “The Sheep Pig” in class every day and it is really enjoyable. It is funny in parts and there is lots of suspense too.
We have started learning the tin whistle also and we are practising lots. We hope to be able to play some Christmas tunes in a few weeks time. We are also practising “A Ray of Hope” for our Christmas performance. We are looking forward to the next few weeks preparing for Christmas.
Ms. Maher’s 5th class
In Novemeber, we were extremely busy.
We completed a skittle experiment for science week and it was really cool – there was loads of different colours.
We did a fanta experiment for science week using fanta, mints, jellies and glycerine, it also turned out well
On the 6th of November we finished cycling. Our whole class really enjoyed it because we learned about cycling safely on the road.
We finished long division and time in maths and we enjoyed it also.
We are learning the hymn silent night for our Christmas play.
For art we done a mosaic drawing .It was very enjoyable
In Irish we finished all of An Scoil.
For religion we remembered all our dead ‘in November we remember ‘ and we also had a virtual prayer service with Fr. Rexon.
In Science we learned all about the human body .
In history we learned all about Traders and Explorers and it was really interesting.
We made Christmas cards for our families.
Ms. McCabe’s 5th class
We are learning how to do Long Division, and we use “Daddy/Mammy/Sister/Brother” to remind us of the steps to do Long Division.
We had a few zoom classes on Farm Safety with Agri Aware and this made us more aware of Safety on the Farm.
We are playing Basketball games, and we have learned new Basketball skills such as dribbling, passing, throwing and shooting the ball.
We did projects of the Badger, some made charts, some boys made very good powerpoints, and Jake made a wonderful model of a Badger’s set.
We are happy to be finally able to use the computer room for ICT
We are Discussing Myself and other people in SPHE and we are having some very interesting discussions about friendships.
During the month of November we prayed for the deceased members of our families. We held a prayer service with father Rexan and it was very good
We had a very interesting Zoom with a rapper John Chase. He’s a scientist who had worked with NASA and he raps about science facts. He shared a lesson on the Solar System and spoke to the class.
We are interested in Pointillism, and we studied Georges Seurat, the artist who invented the method of using dots to create a picture.
Mr. Hayes’s 6th class
Firstly, we would wish Thomas the best of luck in Newport and welcome Hassan to the class!
In maths we have completed a maths test on what we’ve covered so far. We’ve been learning about Area, Dividing decimals and Problem Solving.
In English we have learned about punctuation. We have read an extract from Twist of Gold by Micheal Murpurgo. We also enjoyed and finished the novel “Holes” by Louis Sanchar and made a book review.
In Irish we’ve completed a Briathar Neamhrealta test on “Abair and Bí”. We’ve learned about Eadaí also.
In geography and science we have learned about Africa, The Moon, and River features such as the source and the waterfall.
In P.E we did rugby with Pat and it was lots of fun. We also did soccer and basketball and some people played in the sensory garden.
We are also doing our Christmas play now.
Mr. O’Sullivan’s 6th class
We all had a great Halloween break and we’re happy to return in November.
We began our new novel called “Reaching the Heights”.
It is really good and we are all really enjoying it.
We have also learned all about World War 2 in our history and it is very interesting.
We are now busy preparing for Christmas – making Christmas cards, Christmas sketch and advent calendars.
It is really exciting and we are all looking forward to Christmas.
Mr. Buckley’s 2nd -6th class
This month has been very busy for us in 5D. We have done a lot of cooking and have been trying out new recipes and foods we have not eaten before. Karlis brought in his recipe book and he was our guest teacher/chef and thought us new recipes. Some of the recipes we tried this month were, colcannon, poached eggs, fruit salad & yogurt and rashers and toast.
For our monthly reward we went to the town park. We baked cookies and made a fruit salad and brought them with us and had a lovely picnic down there on Friday.
On Thursday the 26th we had a visit from Garda Maureen Finnerty; Maureen spoke to us about her job, her role in helping the community and also about being safe on our bikes. Maureen is also part of a community initiative that is delivering cards and presents to the elderly people in the nursing homes this Christmas. We made some cards for Maureen to take with her and she will deliver them to the nursing home before Christmas.
We are doing really well with our English programme Reading eggs and our maths programme Maths seeds. We are all getting to higher levels each week.