World Book Day 2020
We celebrated World Book Day in the school on March 5th. Some classes visited the library for story time and our 5th and 6th classes went to the Junior Boys School to engage in Buddy Reading with all classes. Boys from 5th and 6th read stories and asked the boys questions based on the stories. Brothers and cousins got to meet in what was a terrific morning for both schools. Many thanks to the staff of the Junior Boys school for having us on the day.
Below are some pictures of the morning as well as a report from Billy in rang a cúig.
Our visit to the Junior Boys school
Today Ms.McCabes, Ms.Mahers, Ms.Bolands and Mr O’Sullivans classes went to the Junior Boys School. We were greeted by the Principal (Mr Gunnell) and all of the teachers. Then we all got taken to different classes. When we walked into the classes we got paired up with a boy, we started reading our favourite book to them and after that they read their favourite book to us. We had to ask them questions on their book and helped them with words they didn’t understand. Their chairs were really small and they all had their own coloured tables. It was amazing. It was the first time in years that most of us were in the school. Alex found it kind of nostalgic and we all agreed. After we left
the classrooms some of us went to see past pictures of the school. Most boys found themselves! We got a farewell and went back to the C.B.S. We all really enjoyed our visit to the Junior Boys school.