4th Green Flag

4th Green Flag

Our 4th Green Flag was raised by Séan Hartigan of an Táisce on Friday 12th of June. This flag was for sustainable travel. Everybody in the school has been making a huge effort to walk, cycle or park and stride to school for the last two years. Mrs McCabe and the Greenschools committee led the […]

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Summer News

Summer News

By Conor White, Bartos Kolacki and Seth Shayanewako. Army Band On 13th May the Army band from Athlone came to play for our school and surrounding schools. They were accompanied by the CBS band Nenagh and were very entertaining.They told us about all the different instruments in the band and Marek from Ms Barry’s class […]

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April News

April News

By Jayden McGee and Joris Mauricas Greenschools We are proud to announce that our application for the international green flag award has been successful and we will be awarded with our 4thgreen flag on the 20th of May at a special awards ceremony in Killkenny. Three representatives from the Greenschools committee will join Mrs McCabe […]

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Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí go leor imeachtaí simúla ar siúl í mbunscoil na mBráithre Criostaí chun Seachtain na Gaeilge a cheiliúreadh.Lots of exciting events were held in the CBS to celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge. Bhí ceilí ag gach rang leis na cailiní o Bhunscoil Chlochar Mhuire. Rinne siad Ballaí Luimnigh agus Ionsaí na hInse. Bhí an-sport ag gach […]

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Our School In February.

Our School In February.

                  By Seán Power and Jack Weinmann February has been a very busy month… ..the 3rd and 4th classes went to an indoor hurling blitz. It was a huge success enjoyed by all 80 pupils. A big thanks to John O’Keefe for organising the event, big thanks to Mr.Kennedy […]

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