By Seán Power and Jack Weinmann
February has been a very busy month…
..the 3rd and 4th classes went to an indoor hurling blitz. It was a huge success enjoyed by all 80 pupils. A big thanks to John O’Keefe for organising the event, big thanks to Mr.Kennedy in Nenagh college for hosting and to the transition year students at Nenagh College for helping out.
At our last assembly, we awarded students prizes for writing their own expositions and acts of kindness.

Well done to our 6th class debating team for reaching the semi-final of the limerick region,but were beaten by Pallaskenry N.S. Here are our debate team Andrew Morelli,Paul Mcloughlin,Cian Galvin,Sean Crowe,Jack Hassett and Jack Weinmann.
Some lucky classes made pancakes on Pancake Tuesday. Don’t they look delicious!
Greenschools Update:
Mrs McCabe told us that we have completed our travel challenge. We posted our entry for the big travel competition 2015. We are delighted that parents wish to continue closing the gates in the evenings to keep our children safe outside school.
We are currently running a poetry competition in the school and hope to post our wonderful works of poetry on the school website soon. Prizes galore so get your thinking caps on!
We will shortly be having a poster campaign to promote travel in our school. The end of March is the deadline for the Greenschools 4th flag entry. Wish us luck.
Sean Hartigan and Ellen from an Taisce offered us a training and safety course on safe scooting ahead of our SOW day next Wednesday 11th March. We expect all boys to scoot, skate,rollerblade or cycle from the church gates to raise awareness of sustainable travel to school.
Room 1:
The boys in room 1 learned renaming in subtraction. They made lost sheep in art. They have a new investigation area in the classroom filled with challenges for pupils to go down to when finished their work. They made Valentines day cards and owls. An engineer from Intel (Barry O’Connor), came to visit the class for engineers week. He told the boys all about engineering and helped them design and make rockets. They made lego bridges and are designing their sports facility for the sports competition, which is currently on in school.
Room 2:
Room 2 wrote projects on their favourite inventor and they presented it to their classmates. They also made their own lenten promise sheets to say what they were giving up for lent.
Each of them interviewed their parents on their pastimes when they were younger.
They also made their favourite character out of clay. They are currently learning the haka in Irish and putting actions to it. Room 2 is also learning the words to Damhsa, spoirt agus ceol.
You are doing a super job Room 2!
Room 3:
Room 3 made great progress in February. They recently had a cake sale with a turn out of nearly 400 euro. They also learned about Van Gogh and painted Starry Night. They also did projects on Italy and the Netherlands. They are learning all about spring and lets not forget about learning the Ár nÁthair for their First Holy Communion!
Room 4 learned all about spring and flowers that grow during the springtime. They too are doing the Lego project for our school. They did the spring feast and went on trips to our local library they also went to Lidl and made homemade pizza. Room 4 have also started going swimming on Tuesdays.
Room 7:
Room 7 are learning loads in the start of Spring. They are learning an Irish poem called Cúl an tí. They are making their own shakers for art, they did length in maths and measured the school yard and ran the 400m track. Intel Engineer Barry O’Connor visited the class during Engineering Week to look at their designs.

Room 8 went to Pallaskenry to watch the debate of C.B.S Primary against Pallaskenry National school where they were beaten. They are currently reading a novel called the guns of Easter which takes place at the time of the 1916 Easter rising. They are currently learning the Siege of Ennis and the Walls of Limerick for Irish dancing. They went to the pastoral centre for a Confirmation retreat. All pupils enjoyed drumming, singing, meditating and acting at the pastoral centre. They are learning about Irish culture and Conradh na Gaeilge. They learned about the cultural revolution in Ireland for history.They also learned Ámhran na bhfiann and are learning an Poc ar Buile. They started doing rugby with rooms 7 and 9. They went swimming with room 2 at our local pool. They are also doing procedural writing and Seth Shaynewako and Dermot McTiernan won our previous writing which was exposition. They also learned about Joan Miro and did art to honour his name.
Room 9 did a lego project just like all other classrooms. They went to Pallaskenry N.S to watch a debate with room 8. They went to a retreat in the Pastoral Centre with room 8 and did African drumming, singing, meditated and a play. They had confirmation masses with room 8 and they also learned about the Titanic and did a Titanic painting.
Room 13:
Room 13 did amazing work.they learned about St. Brigid and made a St. Brigids cloak and each child made a St. Brigids cross.They made daffodils for art and in lent, they wrote what they were giving up for lent on leaves. They also learned about the Vikings and did projects and made shields to honour the Vikings.

Room 14:
Room 14 finished their exposition writing for the school assembly. They also learned about the Romans and designed posters for the gladitorial games. They made lenten promises and chalkline art. They learned the siege of Ennis in Irish dancing.
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