February Update
Written by Matthew McGee and Sean Phelan 6th Class Room 8
We have been very unlucky with the weather during the last two months. Our biggest tree fell down and it was very close to hitting the school but we were very lucky. The storm left many people without power and some were badly flooded. The weather has been slowing lots of schools down but we are still going full speed.
We held a W.O.W day (Walk On Wednesday) where we walked to school from St. Mary’s church and we all got a homework pass when we reached the school by walking. When we arrived at school we all had breakfast morning sponsored by Lidl. A big thank you to Ms McCabe for all her hard work organising this special day.
Click here or on the Green Schools tab to see lots more photos of the W.O.W day.
Our monthly writing this month was ‘Report Writing’. We had lots of good reports heard by Peter Gleeson, one of The Guardian newspaper reporters. He was very impressed and he inspired all of the pupils. The winners of the report writing get to go to the The Guardian HQ, to see what a proper reporter would do in a day.
Mr Buckley began the futsal tournament along with Mr Smith and Mr Shine helping him to ref the matches. The Semi Final and the finals were played in the yard with 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th watching the matches. All the other matches were played in our G.P Room at break time. Medals were presented to the Winning team during assembly.
Sister Essie came to help the school with religion and especially to help the 6thand 2nd classes to get ready for their Confirmation and Communion. She also helped other classes with all their religion which they had learned throughout the school year.
Room 6
Seán Shaw won the report writing from the class. Seán’s report was about the bad weather in Ireland over the last 2/3 weeks. Aaron Shoer won the WOW day poster in the class. Four of the boys in the class did the WOW day and all got homework passes. Martin Pratt won a medal in boxing at the weekend in St. Pauls Boxing Club. Everybody enjoyed the mid-term.
Room 1 has been looking at birds and flowers over this month. They made daffodils for art on Friday. They learned loads about birds.
Room 3 learned about Van Gogh and all about the Netherlands. They made a Spring Word Wall with everything about Spring described around it. They also did reports on various animals such as reptiles, birds etc. They made different kinds of Valentines art.
Room 2 – 3rdclass
Room 4 – 3rdclass
The whole class love and participated in the WOW day. Donal Coffey won the WOW day competition from his class and Frank Manley won the report writing with a report about the eagle owl. Power Hour ended after doing it for 6 weeks. The class drew, coloured and named their aliens from outer space. They all looked really good when Ms. Fitzgerald hung them up on the wall. Everyone had breakfast when they arrived at the school on WOW day.
Room 13 have made a big St Bridget’s cloak where all the boys coloured one page and stuck all the pages together to make one big cloak. The class did symmetry in maths during the month and did faces with symmetries for art. They also did projects on Tanzania as well as Killimanjaro.
Room 14 – 4/5thclass
Room 14 have been doing a big project on Nelson Mandela. They have also been researching the Aztecs. They have also been doing Aztec art. They did an experiment with a candle experimenting the composition of air. They all did their final stages of their dream school in lego. They did art for WOW day and Cian Galvin won the the competition out of the whole school. Their are boys from room 14 on the junior credit union quiz team where they won the first round and came 4th in the next round. They all enjoyed doing the WOW day and the breakfast in the school.
Room 7 made all different kinds of spaceships with all their lego. They made the crest of their families and they look really good hung outside their classroom.They all looked as if the boys put in a great effort.
Room 9 – 6th class
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