New School Year in the CBS
Ms Sheary’s Junior Infant class
We have had a great start to September. We have settled in really well and love coming to school every
day. We have been getting to know one another and also getting to know all the different people who
work in the school. We took a tour of the school and visited some of the bigger classrooms upstairs. We
also called to say hi to Mr. Greene and Mary in the office. They were thrilled to see us. We have started
learning out phonics and we are getting on well. We are busy sorting and matching in maths. We have
learned some lovely songs such as ‘Shake your Sillies Out’ and ‘Boom Chicka Boom’. We also are really
enjoying Aistear. Our themes this month were ‘At Home’ and ‘At School’. We are looking forward to
learning all about Autumn and Halloween next month.

Ms Glennon’s Senior and Ms Comerford’s Senior Infant classes
We have had a really busy and exciting month of September settling into senior infants. We have
enjoyed learning many new things.
For Aistear we covered the theme of “School”. The boys and girls got to interview our school
secretary “Mary” to gain an insight into all the work she does every day. We based our roleplay
station on the we information learned. The class also designed their ideal school/classroom and got
to map their journey to school everyday using their senses. For art we designed school buses and
also created lovely Mr./Mrs Potato Heads.
For Gaeilge we covered the topic “Ar Scoil”. We learned lots of new poems and songs.
Senior infants were delighted to welcome a new boy called “Aruturo” to our class.
We are all really excited for October already!

Ms McCutcheon’s 2ndclass
The boys in second class have settled really well into CBS Primary and they worked so hard this month. The boys were learning about the story of Oisín in Tír na Nóg in History and they designed lovely comic strips to retell the story as you can see in the photo. The class has been discussing the importance of friendship this month in SPHE and Religion. They created a ‘Circle of Friends’ in Art along with designing self-portraits. As you can see, they did a brilliant job. The boys have really enjoyed learning how to type in the computer room and playing parachute games in PE. They have also started swimming this month. Keep up the great work lads!

MrSmith’s 3rd class
Our class has been extremely busy this September.
In maths, we have been practising addition and subtraction with renaming.
In gaeilge, we have been ag labhairt faoi agus ag cleachtadh “mé féin.”
In PE, we started gaelic football with Pat. The lads atr really enjoying this.
In SESE, we read the story of the salmon of knowledge. We learned about the first people in Ireland too.
We did some mapwork too, learning all the counties in Munster.
In art, we have created our own scribble art.
We also created a hands up display.
Finally, we have been working with Giordana for the past month designing Fiddle Faces for the Halloween parade. These turned out great and we really enjoyed the whole process.

Ms Shanahan’s 4thclass
Fourth class have settled back nicely after the summer break. We welcomed Sarang to our class. We have been learning how to talk about ourselves in Gaeilge, how to write a report in English and working with bigger numbers in Maths. We looked at the works of Wassily Kandinsky in Art and created our own paintings based on his work. We started Ukulele on Thursdays and have already learnt ‘Waka Waka’ by Shakira. We have also started rugby with Pat on Wednesday mornings. We did projects about all the countries that are taking part in the Rugby World Cup. We’ve had a busy but good start to the year.

Mr Shine’s 5th class
It was a very busy September her in 5th class where we launched into the year. Plenty of Maths and Gaeilge and also quite a bit of art.
We are looking forward to our cycling coaching coming in October.
I am sure October will be just as busy.

Ms McCabe’s 2nd to 6th class
September flew by this year. We settled into our class very quickly. We have to prepare for our confirmation in May next year, and we have to get ready for secondary school too. In baking, we made cinnamon buns, sausage rolls, pizzas, toasties and omelettes. We resumed our library visits on a Wednesday, and even Agnes didn’t stop us this week. Our Confirmation enrolment was on 28th September in St Mary’s church. It is good to be back into our September routine.