News of our March
St. Gall’s class
We were very busy in March. In Maths, we have been learning about the clock and we can tell the time. We also learned about length and how to use a ruler.
We were really busy with Seachtain na Gaeilge. We learned our poem An Seilide and performed this and An Cheolchoirm, a rap song, at the school assembly. We prepared for our school Céilí too, which was brilliant. We also had a green day to mark the end of Seachtain na Gaeilge.
In RE, we have been preparing for and understanding Lent. We read the story of St Patrick too. In SESE, we learned about the crow and the dandelion. We read the story about Fionn and the Giant’s Causeway.
In art, we created our own causeway art and also our dandelion clock scene. We also did Shamrock art.
St. Goban’s class
2nd class St. Goban’s were very busy in March.
We visited the library for world book day and the vocational school in Nenagh for a hurling tournament.
It was also Pancake Tuesday this month and we made pancakes in the classroom.
We are busy making a video with Mr. Buckley this week for the schools film festival.
In SESE, we learned about the different climates around the world and we made posters. In art, we created flower pots by weaving paper and also constructed flowers to place in the pots.
St. Fintan’s class
We had a busy month celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge. We enjoyed singing our Irish songs, learning our poems and practicing some traditional Irish dances.
We are learning all about the provinces of Ireland and we can name all 32 counties!
We have also started to learn all about Judaism and it is very interesting.
We are working hard on the “Tour of Europe” for our active flag and have reached Copenhagen, Denmark this week. Together we reached 1,240km.
St.Flannan’s class
We had a very busy month of March in Room 7.
We practised our Irish dancing and participated in the school ceilí. We also learned an Irish song and poem for assembly.
Third class just finished their class novel “War Game”. Fourth class are almost finished “Kensukes Kingdom”.
We are learning about area and perimeter in maths and are busy measuring around the school.
We all wore odd socks to show our support for World Down Syndrome Day.
We are still on the move in our Tour of Europe and are enjoying all of our activities school breaks.
St. Enda’s class
We had great fun in St Enda’s practicing our Irish songs, poems and tin whistle tunes for Seachtain Na Gaeilge. The Ceilí was a great success and the boys in 4th class thoroughly enjoyed learning “The Walls of Limerick” and “The Siege of Ennis.”
In PE we practiced our different types of rolls, hops and landing to create a gymnastic sequence.
We are almost finished our class novel “The Sheep Pig” and the boys are really looking forward to watching it on DVD.
We had a great time estimating and weighing various items from the kitchen in math’s and now that we have learned off all our counties of Ireland in Geography each boy has chosen a county to create a project on.

St Declan’s class
We went to the Junior Boy School and we read books for them on World Book Day.
We made pancakes on pancake Tuesday. Father Rexan came to our class and blessed us with ashes on Ash Wednesday.
We went to the library 7/3/2019.
We had finished our Monnet Cut the Waterlilies and the Parliament of the Night. We did the buddy reading with Miss Comerford’s class.
We learned about lines and angles and the circle in maths.
We did our ceilí.
Sister Essie came to our class and talked about Muslim religion and about what we learned.
St Diarmaid’s class
We started chess lessons with Colm and Jim, we are enjoying our lessons.
On pancake Tuesday, we wrote procedures on how to make pancakes then then we made them and they were lovely.
We enjoyed our trip to St Marys Junior Boys to do paired reading, to celebrate world book day.
For lent we discussed something good that we could do as well as giving up something we love for a few weeks.
Chuaigh Foireann amháin go dtí an leabharlann agus ghlac said páirt I dTráth na gceist I gcóir seachtain na gaeilge. Bhí an-spoírt againn. Bhí Ronan, Bartek, Sam agus Przemek as ár foireann.
We regularly go for a run around the track to support our Active School. We really enjoyed wearing odd socks for March 21st down syndrome day.
St.Canice’s class
Bhí alán spórt is spraoi again i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge. Rinneamar ár gcleachtadh Stáir is Tíreolaíocht trí Gaeilge. Foghlaimear faoi cad é mar a cheiliúrann tíortha eile Lá na bPancóg agus an fáth a n-itheann daoine pancóga ar Mháirt na hInide. Bhí Trath na gCéist againn in ár seomra ranga. Bhíomar ag ullmhú don cheilí agus don Cheolchoirm leis an dán Liathróid i bPáirc an Chrócaigh agus an tamhráin Amhrán na gCupán. Bhaineamar an taitneamh as sin. D’imríomar cluiche teanga ag piocáil amach na geansaí peile ceart do na gcondaetha ceart. Bhíomar freisin ag deanamh iarracht frása an lae a usáid gach lá i rith an coicís.
We had our retreat to the Cistercian College in Roscrea in preparation for our Confirmation. It was a really lovely day during which we got to attend while the monks sang their psalms in the chapter room. We really appreciate the work of all on the parish team for making it possible and especially Fr Des and Fr Michael for dedicating so much of their time to us.
Sister Essie also visited our class and helped prepare us for Confirmation this year. She told us some lovely stories did some meditation with us. She promised to come back and tell us some stories about her time abroad.
World Book Day was also on and to mark it, we went down to the junior boys school, where we did buddy reading with different classes. We really enjoyed this and loved helping the younger boys to enjoy their books.
In Science we learned about Rainbows and how and why they form. We tried to make our own rainbows using glasses of water or prisms to create the refraction of the light.
In art we did positive and negative printing. We created these in an Irish theme making, shamrocks, celtic crosses and harps. We also sketched daffodils as we have been learning the poem I Wander Lonely as a Cloud.
In English we are still reading the novel Holes and really enjoying it. We have been drafting and redrafting our narratives and will be ready to type them up next week. We also read Niall Breslin’s book ‘The Magic Moment’ to help us deal with anxiety or worries.
In PE, we practiced our Walls of Limerick and Siege of Ennis and performed them at the ceilí mór. We are also playing hurling with Bertie Sherlock.
St. Conall’s class
We have had a very interesting March. In history, we studied all about the Titanic and its doomed maiden voyage.
We have continued to plan and write our narratives also. We have created some very interesting character descriptions as part of our writing.
We also celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge by learning two dances and performing our song Trasna na dTonnta.
We also celebrated a very special day in World Down Syndrome day by wearing odd socks.
St. Thomas’s class
We had a very busy month. We started off the month with a trip to the D’mothers café. We really enjoyed it. We went to the courthouse and had a very interesting trip. We also visited the Post Office and saw how the post men + women sort out the post.
We learned our dances for our Ceili. We learned the siege of Ennis and the walls of Limerick. We had great fun at the Ceili. We made some lovely St. Patricks Day Art also. We celebrated a very special day. World Down Syndrome. We all wore odd socks and took a really cool picture in our new yard.
We planted vegetables for our vegetable garden. We planted spinach, lettuce, carrots, and chives. We also planted lovely flowers for the window boxes and the sensory garden also.
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