Our School News for April 2021
Ms Glennon’s class
During the month of April, we were very to lucky to have been able to make receive our Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr.Des and Fr.Michael helped to make it a very special occasion.
We also learned about the Water Cycle and the Cycle of the Dandelion in SESE. Some
boys got the chance to sow a window box with broccoli and lettuce. We are enjoying
watching their progress every day. These plants will hopefully be planted out in our
school garden in a few weeks time.
For PE we are concentrating on the games strand this month. We are really enjoying
playing Rounders. We are looking forward to running a mile each day for the month of
May as part of our Active School Challenge.
Mr Smith’s class
Our class along with Ms Glennon’s class received our sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this month. We want to say thanks to Fr. Michael and Fr. Des for helping us.
In maths, we have been practicing with time; reading both analogue and digital times. We also spent time solving word problems. These were challenging but we feel we have it now.
In Irish, we have been dealing with the topic of Éadaí.
In SESE, we have been busy. We studied the dandelion and it’s life cycles.
We discussed the five senses and how we use them in our lives.
We also investigated Bealtaine and the traditions of May Day.
In art, we carried out a Creative Schools activity. We discussed what it means to be creative and we compiled a list of other uses for an ordinary roll of cellotape.
Mr Gubbins’ class
In 3rd class this month we have been learning all about the Normans and making our animations on Scratch based on Nenagh Castle.
In Maths, we have been learning all about fractions and the importance of knowing them when it comes to sharing pizza!
We have started to make our own songs in Ableton using the four chord trick.

Ms Comerfords’s class
3rd class have really enjoyed being back to school after our Easter holidays.
Last Thursday morning we made the most of the sunshine and went on a nature walk along the Nenagh River.
It was beautiful and we encountered many types of birds, bugs and plants.
We have also been learning about photosynthesis in science so it was great to see a variety of different spring flowers and plants along our walk and understand how they produce their own food. We have began our rugby training this week and we were so excited to get back playing sports together. We learned how to throw the ball correctly and we had a game or two which was lots of fun. We are really improving our typing skills and love getting some time in the computer room at the end of the week.
Ms Barry’s class
We began our creative school journey this month. We started with an activity to discover what creativity is and then had a lesson where we could display our creativity. We were allowed access to anything in the classroom and had great fun being free to express our creativity!
Some boys made dramas, others used lego, others painted or crafted or showed card tricks. There was a vast array of activities and it was wonderful to see everybody express themselves in different ways. We look forward to the next lesson.
Ms Boland’s class
For the past three weeks our class have been really busy exploring hte theme of Japan. We learned all about the geography, culture and traditions of the country. We explored Japanese writing and art, made Japanese fans and we wrote our own Haiku poems. The boys also made projects hightlighting all they have learned.
For maths we mastered the dreaded task of Long Multiplication and the boys are delighted with themselves now that they have it mastered.
In English we are thoroughly enjoying our class novel “Kensuke’s Kingdom”. We have imagined what it would be like to be marooned on an island like the main character Michael, written a news report and a diary entry. The book is full of suspense and we can’t wait to read on and see what happens in the end.
We have also availed of the lovely weather we’ve been having lately and headed out to the track to clock up our miles for the Trip To Tokyo initiative that is happening in relation to the 2021 Summer Olympics.
Ms Maher’s class
Ms McCabe’s class
We are delighted to be back in school and we feel it is a safe place to be. During April we learned about percentages and Ireland in the 18th Century. It was very interesting. We also played Capture the Flag in PE and we started doing a mile a day for Active Schools. As a treat, Ms McCabe brought the class to the park which is not far from the school. We are continuing our Historical Fiction novel, Under the Hawthorn Tree.
Mr O’Sullivan’s class
We were all delighted to return after the Easter holidays.
We were very busy during the month of April. We are almost finished our
novel, The Guns Of Easter and it is getting really exciting.
We are also very busy preparing for our confirmation and we have been
doing an online retreat as part of this.
We have being talking and working on our creativity and also received an animation workshop from Nenagh art centre.
It was very enjoyable.
Mr Hayes’ class
Mr Buckley’s class
April has been a great month for us in room 2. The weather has been fantastic since we came back from our Easter holidays. We have spent a lot of time working outside on our Sensory Garden and our school vegetable patch. In the Sensory garden we have painted all the walls, benches, flowerpots and trellis. We have pulled out all the dead weeds and we have created a wildflower corner, we dug out and sprinkled down the wildflower seeds and now we have to wait for them to grow. In our vegetable patch we have sown potatoes, lettuce, carrots, spring onions, parsnips and onions. We spent a few days preparing the patch we needed to get rid of all the weeds, rake the soil and then paint the borders. Most of these vegetables will be ready when we come back to school in September.
Our 6th class boys are preparing for their confirmation; they have been learning prayers and making art which will be displayed in the church.
We created a stop motion video using a new app that our teacher introduced us to. The idea of the video is based on Nenagh long ago. We gathered pictures of old Nenagh streets and landmarks and then created our own background and placed the pictures in front of them. For our characters we used Mala to create stick men. The video turned out really great and we have entered into a competition in the Nenagh Arts Centre.