Spring’s sprung
St Gall’s class
February was a very busy month for our class.
We received our sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. The boys did really well on this day.
In maths, we looked at column subtraction with renaming. We also looked at time.
In science, we carried out some experiments with acids and bases. We saw what happens when an acid like vinegar is added to a base like baking powder. We also carried out some sinking and floating investigations.
We completed judo with James Mulroy on Fridays. This was brilliant and we would like to thank James.

St Goban’s class
February was a very busy month in our class
In maths, we learned about 3d shapes and length. We built a robot out of 3d shapes and we measured our height with a string and made a graph.
We made ‘draw the line out inspired by the wake of Keith Harving. We also constructed dream jars which are in the book we are reading the BFG.
St Fintan’s class
St Fintan’s have had a very busy month we had completed 6 weeks of soccer and we are looking forward to starting rugby.
We learned all about Egypt and how Egyptians lived long ago.
We learned about the artist Wassily Kandinsky and replicated same of his colourful art.
We have reached the Eiffel tower in our tour of Europe and we look forward to reaching our next destination we have reached 918km so far.
St Flannan’s class
St Flannan’s have just completed soccer and rugby coaching. We are starting swimming lessons next week.
We have started reading class novels. Third class is reading war game which tells the story of four young men during ww1. Fourth class are reading kensukes kingdom which is about a family who travel around the world in a boat with lots of adventures.
3d shapes and division have kept us busy with maths. We have started to learn a song in Irish called “D’eirigh mé ar Maidin.”
St Enda’s class
In SESE, our theme was houses.
We looked at the materials used in the building of houses, the people required to build houses, plans of houses and changes in houses over the years.
We spoke about homelessness, what causes it, how it can be difficult for the families involved.
In Maths, long multiplication and length.
We have been doing rugby with Pat and swimming in PE.
We made Brigid’s Day cloaks using fabric and Valentines hearts for Valentine’s Day.
For Internet Safety week, we looked at webwise and how to stay safe online.
St Declan’s class
In art, we designed valentine cards we were learning all about electricity in science and did some cool experiments. In geography we learned all about commutations from the past through to the present.
We made cheese toasties and they were delicious.
We were very busy in maths this month we were studying fractions and percentages this was very challenging.
We really enjoyed our judo class it was great fun.
On the 7th of February, we visited the library for the Harry Potter day. We had great fun we played loads of games such as pin the scar on his head. We heard bits of stories about the author JK Rowling.
St Diarmaids class
We enjoyed our swimming sessions and everyone attended.
We celebrated the Chinese New Year and researched the year of the pig. We studied France maps china and magnets. We learned how to use a protractor and measure angles. We did printing and origami hearts in art. We are taking chess lessons for a few weeks.
11 people from our class won a champion certification in food dudes.
St Conall’s class
We’ve been very this past month we celebrated the Chinese New Year by making pig themed art we also looked at geography of China.
We used pipe cleaners to make some fantastic St Brigid’s crosses.
For St Valentine’s Day we looked at idioms associated with love and drew some pictures to explain these idioms.
St Canice’s class
In Religion, we learned the fruits and the gifts of the holy spirit, we also learned about Mary the mother of Jesus and the feast days that celebrate her.
In Art, we continued on our Paper Mache tree and we also created wood lands creatures with hessian and wool.
In English, we started reading a book called Holes by Louis Sachar. We are currently on chapter 8 and we’ve met Stanley X-Ray, Armpit and some others – we’re all loving it! We are also learning a bit more about narrative writing and have learned how to use DASH paragraphs to improve our writing.
In History, we’re learning a bit more about the 1916 Rising. Having finished the Guns of Easter in January we enjoyed learning more. (It was a very interesting book and we all recommend it.)
In Geography & Science, we learned about light; natural light and a brief timeline of artificial light. We also learned about the moon and its different phases.
In SPHE, we learned about internet safety and a member of the guards came in and talked to us about internet safety. We created a ‘conscience alley’ to discuss some of the scenarios we came up against and we created a positive bystanders wall, writing positive things about each other, which cheered us all up.
In Irish, we were reading about Donal breaking his hand to expand our vocabulary. We also learned the poem Liathróid i bPáirc an Chrócaigh and have started the rap Cheolchoirm.
In music, as well as doing the rap we learned ‘You’ve Got a Friend’ by James Taylor.
In PE, we have been doing Judo and earned a certificate of completion. We really enjoyed this.
St Thomas’s class
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