Springtime in the CBS
Ms Glennon’s class
We had a lovely month in our class. As part of our Wellness initiative we did yoga with Mrs.Sheary and we also made delicious healthy banana pancakes with Mr.Buckley.
We learned all about St.Brigid and made our very own crosses. We celebrated St.Valentines day by doing some nice art and making special cards for our loved ones.
In Irish and SESE, we learned all about and tEarrach and the various flowers that appear at this time of year.
In maths class we learned about money and we practiced giving each other change from 1euro. We also learned about the topic of weight and had good fun estimating and weighing objects using the scales.
Finally, we welcomed a new boy called Daniel to our class. We are looking forward to a busy March!
Ms Sheary’s class
This month Mrs. Shearys 2nd class had a spring in their step as we head into the new season of Spring. We have been busy learning how to identify the signs of Spring around us. We have completed a Spring nature trail and found new life beginning all around us. We spotted the buds on the trees, daffodils and snowdrops. We also saw the cherry blossoms starting to peep their heads out. We attended a lovely seminar with Bird Watch Ireland which taught all about Irish garden birds. It was very interesting. We completed some lovely Valentine’s Day cards for the special people in our lives. We started swimming this month which we are really enjoying. It has been a busy start to Spring time.
Mr Smith’s class
February was a busy month in Room 1.
In english, we have continued with our persuasive writing. We also did a Spring acrostic poem.
As gaeilge, we learned about an tEarrach agus an Aimsir.
We studied length and patterns in the hundred square in maths and we have been doing really well with our division tables.
In SESE, we learned all about modern and ancient Egypt. We studied the UK too and compared and contrasted both countries with Ireland.
In art, we designed some brilliant Pharaoh Nemes’s.
Mr Buckley made banana pancakes with us and the boys really enjoyed this. Thank you sir!!!
We had a great time this past month playing gaelic football each Monday with Pat McCormack too.

Ms Liston’s/Ms Shanahan’s class
In Maths we learnt about adding and taking away money and working with decimals. We are doing a multiplication masters challenge and can see how our tables are improving every week.
In English, we started Power Power. Every afternoon we spend ten minutes at five different stations of work. We are reading new books everyday and really working hard on our literacy skills.
We started Gaelic Football this month too and love all the drills and mini games.
In Geography we learnt about Egypt and in History we learnt about the Bronze age. Have a look at some of the houses we made.
We enjoyed pancakes on Pancake Tuesday and are looking forward to doing lots more activities in March.
Ms Barry’s class
In P.E. We learned about the Winter Olympics and we had a go at some of the sports from the Winter Olympics.
In Literacy we finished Power Hour and our reading has greatly improved. We also finished our novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’, we really enjoyed reading this book about a Japanese man and a young English boy stuck on an Island.
We also learned the poem “I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wordsworth thanks to the help of our families at home.
In Art we replicated the famous Japanese print “The Great Wave of Kanagawa” by Katsushika Hokusai.We also made origami fortune tellers.
In Science our daffodils are beginning to bloom and we are very excited about these.
We learned about an tEarrach (Spring) in Irish.
We also baked along with a chef through Zoom for Valentine’s Day and created Valentine’s Day cards for our Valentines.
Ms Maher’s class
In February we learnt about St. Brigid and participated in a webinar on line and made
St. Brigid crosses from card. It was very interesting. In maths we learnt about
The artist, Caelan Bristow finished the creative art sessions with us on the 9th February
and we completed our creative city on this day. The boys really enjoyed it.
Mr. Buckley and his class showed us how to make healthy pancakes using porridge, bananas,
milk and eggs. They were delicious and we were so lucky to take part in this activity.
We made Rice Krispie buns and decorated them with marshmallows and white chocolate pieces.
Spring has Sprung in our class and we created beautiful flower art – they are blooming.
Ms McCabe’s class
Ms McCabe’s class
In February we made saint Brigids crosses out of paper and rushes. We did gymnastics for P.E.
We learned a pencil, bear, James bond and a Wonder Woman roll.
Mr Buckley helped us make banana pancakes.
They were delicious!
We had rugby with our trainer Pat. We read Kensukes Kingdom and even made our own book covers!! We met a data scientist and a psychologist on a zoom call.
We learned so much cool stuff about health and data.
It was also Matthew’s birthday! We learned how to play yahtzee which is a dice game.
We learned German too with a language teacher.
It was Matthews Birthday On The 27ᵗʰ.
Mr Shine’s class
This month we did a lot of science experiments studying electricity.
We made series circuits and looked at how a switch works and understood that electricity needs to flow.
We also started to play rugby in the school under the supervision of Pat Fitzgerald.
Mr Hayes’s class
We celebrated and did art work for the Chinese new year. It is the year of the tiger
In English, we started a new novel reaching The Heights. We are enjoying it so far.
In maths we covered capacity and weight.
We are preparing for our Confirmation in May. We have learned the gifts of the Holy Spirit each Wednesday go to the 11 o clock mass in St Mary of the Rosary church in Nenagh.
We have started swimming again. Its great to be back in the pool.
Mr Buckley’s class