New Year News in CBS
Ms Sheary’s class
This term we were so excited to get back to school after our Christmas break. We hit the ground running and started Gaeilic Football. We are really enjoying it and our coach Pat is really good fun.
We also celebrated Catholic schools week this month. We completed our Grandparents projects. We learned lots about when our grandparents were young, the games they played and things they did. There were no computers back then.
It has been a really great month and we are ready for February.
Ms Glennon’s class
Everybody was delighted to be back at school after a nice Christmas break.
We are learning cursive writing at the moment and we are nearly ready to start writing it in our copies.
We are learning about “Bia” as Gaeilge and are practicing lots of vocabulary.
It was Catholic Schools week at the end of the month. The boys created a project about their grandparents and presented them to Mr.Greene and the class on Grandparents Day. They put a lot of time and effort into them and they turned out great.
We are playing Gaelic football every Monday for the next few weeks. Pat is teaching us lots of new skills.We are really enjoying keeping fit and healthy.

Mr Smith’s class
Our class have had a busy start to 2022. We had Mr McLoughlin with us this month for a week also. We enjoyed working with Sir. Thank you Mr McLoughlin!!!!
In Irish we have been building our winter and weather vocab and we have been dealing with Caitheamh Aimsire too.
In PE, we started our Gaelic football coaching with Pat. The boys are improving their skills with each session.
In maths, we studied 2D shapes and symmetry.
We really enjoyed Catholic Schools’ week where looked closely at some of Jesus’ parables.
In history, we looked at St. Brendan’s story and we looked at the geography too.
We studied Chinese New Year in our class and Seán helped us mark the occasion by bringing in some authentic Chinese treats. Thank you Seán!!!!!
In art, we drew lovely toucans and also we created wonderful symmetry art.
Ms Liston’s/Ms Shanahan’s class
In English we have started to write persuasion texts. We had a big spelling test and have lots of new learning words for the weeks ahead on Spellings for me. We have read stories and poems and are continuing to fill in our Reading Records.
In Irish we learnt about the weather and past times. We have also started reading books at home with the help from our teachers on Loom.
In Maths we had lots of fun learning about and making 3D shapes. We also did fun activities with symmetry.
We are taking part in a Creative Kids Project – Every Wednesday an artichect comes to our class and teaches us skills. We also did some Willow Weaving in class.
We made banana pancakes from the Fyffes Fitsquad website. They got a 10/10 from the class and the best thing was they were healthy pancakes!
Ms Maher’s class
In January, we learnt about Caitheamh Aimsire in Gaeilge. In maths we learnt about
money and long multiplication.
The artist, Caelan Bristow is with us each Wednesday for 5 weeks as part of the creative
kids project. It is very interesting and we are having great fun. Week 1 and 2 have been
about mapping and tracing and making shapes with our bodies.
In PE we are learning how to do different rolls as part of gymnastics with Mr. Buckley.
Ms Barry’s class
We are delighted to be back in school for the New Year.
We have started ‘Power Hour’ in English. We will be doing this for 5 weeks and it is a great way of using our literacy skills.
In Irish we are learning about Caitheamh Aimsire (Pastimes) and we are learning the song ‘Is mise Fear an Cheoil’.
In SESE we are learning about Bridges. We are doing projects about bridges around the World and we painted bridges in Art. We hope to construct bridges using recycled materials next.
In P.E we are doing Gymnsatics. We are learning about balance and different types and movements with our bodies. We are making great progress. We work with partners to create sequences and perform them for our class.
Mr Shine’s class
This month in 5th class we did a lot of art such as sour abstract drawings inspired by the work of Joan Miro.
We also began to study how shadows are created and how we can use them in art.
In Gaeilge we learned all of our different Caitheamh Aimsire and saw the wide variety of interests in the class.
In science we studied forces such as gravity and friction. It was a great month to be back.
Ms McCabe’s class
In January we did expressive art: pointillism. George Seurat started this type of painting using dots to create an image, similar to pixels on a screen.
For PE we learned new basketball skills. We learned how to pass the ball, and we played games.
For science we made a lava lamp to show that oil is less dense than water.
We went to the park and played hide and seek tag.
We got a new touchscreen whiteboard. It has changed Miss’life!
In the computer room we studied Minecraft and we are doing projects making a more sustainable Nenagh. We also researched our family tree, during Catholic Schools week and made a picture to treasure. We rang our grandparents to remind them that we love them.
In January, it was Willmark, Fionn and Dragos’s birthdays.
Mr O’Sullivans’s class
We returned to school on 6th of January after having a great Christmas holidays. We settled back to our work quickly and really enjoyed being back. Our novel, “Reaching the Heights” was completed this month and We thought it was a brilliant story and We were glad that everything worked out well in the end. Rugby training has continued this month and We seem to be getting better each week. Mr. McLoughlin has started working with us as well this week and he is doing some very interesting lessons with us.
Mr Buckley’s class