Summer’s upon Us
Ms Glennon’s class
This month saw the boys make their Holy Communion. It was a lovely celebration in St.Mary of the Rosary Church. Every boy had their own job which they did very well.
We started tag rugby with Pat on a Wednesday. We are really enjoying it and learning lots of new skills.
We are learning all about Explanation writing in English and continuing with our literacy stations every day.
Finally we are coming towards our end of year performance with the Ukulele. We are practicing very hard every week with Avril and are really looking forward to our final day.
Ms Sheary’s class
This has been a very important month for the boys in 2nd class. On the 7th of May, we made our First Holy Communion. We have been preparing for this day for a long time and we were very excited. We spent many weeks learning the prayers and songs. It was a really special day for us and we really enjoyed it. We also enjoyed the celebrations after the mass. On Monday, when we came back to school, we had a really fun day. We went to the town park and watched a movie and had popcorn. It was a great day at school.
We started playing tag rugby this month. We are playing on the big pitches. Pat is our coach and his training is really enjoyable. It’s a great game and we are getting better every week.
We are learning about the lifecycle of the butterfly and we have gone on some butterfly hunts around the school. We have spotted butterflies in the hedgerows and the sensory garden.
We are now getting ready to enjoy the last month in 2nd class and we are looking forward to our Summer holidays.
Mr Smith’s class
This month has been very busy in Room 1.
In SESE, we have been learning all about Vikings. We have done alot of our own research and found out many interesting facts. We also designed our own Viking brooches out of clay.
In english, we have started to look at Explanation writing. We are currently reading a novel called the “Iron Man” by Ted Hughes. It’s a brilliant book.
In PE, we have been playing hockey with Hannah from Nenagh Hockey Club. We started Hip Hop dance with Rachel too.
In music, our ukulele lessons are also going well with Avril.
We have much going on and we are looking forward to continuing on all this great work.
Ms Liston’s/Ms Shanahan’s class
We had a very busy month with an amount of activities completed over the last thirty days.
We had five weeks of swimming and the boys really showed huge progress in those five weeks in the pool, with some taking their first tentative steps post covid into the water. It was a great opportunity to develop their organisational and planning skills.
We also were so lucky to have four weeks of Hockey with Hannah. This really engaged all the boys and levelled the playing field with regards to team sports and some of the unlikely boys really shone and showed their potential sporting skills.
Hip Hop with Rachael is going really well with the boys learning a dance routine to Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk”. They are thoroughly enjoying it and really taking on some of the dance moves with confidence.
Chess is still going very strong in our class and we are so grateful to Colum for coming in every week and volunteering his time with the three classes.
Ukelele is progressing well for the performance at the end of term and with the weather really starting to improve so we will be enjoying some more outdoor play for the next few days and weeks.
Ms Maher’s class
In May we had our second visit to Maidirín Rua – eco centre, we had a nature walk, we learnt how to
build a shelter and how to make a camp fire. Tom showed us how to make smores and we then got to go
canoeing – this was great fun as we got to jump out of the canoe.
We started swimming on the 25th
of May and Mr. Buckley showed us how to make ‘Stop Motion’ videos,
this was very interesting. We got to play four weeks of hockey with a lady called Hannah – this was great
fun. Active Schools week began on the 30th
May and we got to go to Nenagh Eiré Óg complex where we
played Rounders, Football golf and Fundamental Movements in the new Astro Turf pitch. We will also
get to play Tennis and participate in Orienteering.
Ms Barry’s class
This month we completed our Persuasive Writing projects and held a ‘House Sale’ where we tried to convince Mr. Greene to buy a house which we had imagined, painted, created in Lego and designed in Minecraft. This project was very impressive and we all really enjoyed it.
We have now moved on to two new novels- Born to Run and Sheep Pig. We are enjoying these novels and everyone is looking forward to finishing these books.
We are also listening to Harry Potter being read every day.
In P.E. we began hockey with Hannah, our Hockey Ireland coach. We are having great fun learning new skills and some boys hope to join Nenagh Hockey Club soon.
In Maths we learned about length and we applied our previous knowledge of multiplication and division to length problems.
In Religion we learned about how May is the Month of Mary and we learned how to say the Rosary.
We are looking forward to the last few weeks of school.
Mr Shine’s class
This month in our 5th class, we had a student teacher in for two weeks and he did a number of lovely activities with the class. Thank you Mr Curran.
In History the class became archaeologists and excavated a site to find clues about the voyage of Ernest Shackleton and Tom Crean.
We also did the Haka as Gaeilge in music and did some Maori art.
In Science, we studied forces and electricity and the class constructed their own windmills.
As Mary is the month of Mary we learned about Mary and celebrated her influence.

Ms McCabe’s class
We really enjoyed puppeteering with Caoimhe, and wrote a script with Nigel. We went to the Arts Centre to see the play that we helped write. We played basketball and had a few great games. We also did Gaelic and Rounders. We studied all about Bees and we wrote explanations on how bees make honey. We painted bee pictures and used our imaginations to create beautiful pictures of our ideal Magical Treehouse. In Maths we did percentages and money, and the circle. We are enjoying learning about the Great Hunger of 1845-47.

Mr Hayes’s class and Mr O’Sullivan’s class
Mr Buckley’s class
We had a cracking month in Room 2. We had a double birthday party for Kyle and Karlis. The boys cooked hot-dogs and had cake.
The second photo shows the boys investigating length. They build lego towers of various heights and measured the school corridors, yard and classroom.