Wintertime in Nenagh CBS Primary
Ms Glennon’s and Ms Comerford’s senior infant classes
November was a busy and enjoyable month in room 3 & 4. We learned lots of exciting things. We explored the theme of Birthdays & The Restaurant for Aistear. We practiced waiting a table, ordering food, preparing food and paying a bill at our sociodramatic station. We also practiced washing dishes, fruit and vegetable printing and making some tasty cakes at our other stations.
We learned how to make Rice Crispie buns and wrote the recipe in our copies. We learned about staying healthy and the importance of having a balanced diet with protein, fat, carbohydrate, fruit and vegetables everyday.
We learned about 3D shapes and went on a “3D shape walk” around the school finding many examples of spheres, cones, cylinders, cubes and cuboids in our environment. We even borrowed some for our shape shelf at the back of our room!
As part of science week, we did lots of exciting experiments including the skittle experiment, fizzy colour experiment and also the rainbow experiment. We learned one exciting science fact every day.
We are really looking forward to a busy and exciting month of December in our room.

Ms McCutcheon’s 2nd class
The boys have been working really hard this month. They have been learning about The Solar System and they designed their own rockets for Science Week. They also went to the Art’s Centre for a science workshop.
They boys were painting for art and they created beautiful Solar System backdrops. They also created 2D shape monsters in maths.
The boys started rugby this month and they also represented their school in a gaelic football blitz. Well done lads!

Mr Smith’s 3rd class
This has been a very busy month in 3rd class.
In maths, we have been learning fractions and we have revisited our previous learning of division.
We continued with our literacy hour with Ms Boland. We find ourselves improving all the time in our reading.
We also wrote our own acrostic poem about winter.
In SESE we learnt about the ancient Sumerians and the development of agriculture. We read the story of Setanta and we also studied the counties of Leinster and the capital city of our country, Dublin.
In art, we designed our own penguin art. These turned out well.
We started swimming sessions at Nenagh Leisure centre.

Mr Shine’s 4th class
Another busy month here in 5th class we arrived back from our mid term break and launched into a busy month where we visited Thurles IT to study computer programming with two of their college lecturers. We have continued with this back at base and the class are accomplished programmers. We have been studying all about BIA in Gaeilge and in Maths all about shapes and lines and angles. We have been studying the age of exploration and looking at how our world has been affected by these early explorers even now.

Ms Shanahan’s 4th class
In November we said goodbye to our friend Yan who moved to Mayo. Yan was a very popular and friendly member of our class and we miss him a lot already. We welcomed a new boy – Pavlo from Ukraine. We continued to study trees in Geography and Science and enjoyed painting winter trees. We studied procedural writing in English and we all made our own pizza to help us remember the steps. Kieran Hoctor an Engineer from Birr came to look at our Engineering projects and tell us about life as an Engineer. He was very impressed with our work! We studied The Celts in History and enjoyed researching on ipads and making projects to present to the class.

Ms McCabe’s 2nd to 6th class
We are going swimming on Tuesdays. It is great fun. William and Edvards are in the deep end but watch this space!! We play chess with Ms Shanahan’s class on Mondays. We are becoming experts at chess.
We made paper helicopters for science week. We folded paper by following the instructions. Next, we added a paperclip to the bottom of the helicopter. We then went to the top of Nenagh Castle to watch them fly. It was great fun. We also played with circuits and we made a light.
We had the inspector in our class. We made her a smoothie. We used bananas, frozen fruit, milk, yoghurt and Orange Juice. She liked it. She asked us questions and we showed her some of our ICT skills.
We are going to work on an art project with an artist Gerardine Wisdom. We are going to make a crib for the school. More to follow next month.