April Updates
Ms Liston Room 1
Ms Liston’s class celebrated their first Holy Communion on April 16th.
We are learning about clocks and time in maths.
We had a cake-sale to help pay for their school tour.
Ms Glennon Room 3
We made our Holy Communion on Saturday 16th of April with Ms Liston’s class. We had great day and really enjoyed this special occasion.
During April, we have learned about volcanoes and also about the story of Fionn and the Giants Causeway.
We had a cake-sale April 29thto raise money which will go towards reducing the cost of our school tour. The boys were busy baking and making sweet things for the day. Many thanks to everyone for supporting us.
Ms Slattery Room 2
In English we read many books during power hour and our reading has improved greatly.
In History we learned about Tom Crean and his expedition to the South Pole. We also learned about other polar explorers.
In Geography we learned about rain forests and we completed a project on it. We enjoyed learning about the plants and animals that can be found in there.
In science we learned about electricity and how to make circuits. We also learned about conductions and insulations.
In maths we learned how to multiply and divide tens and units by a one digit numbers.
In P.E we have just begun to learn Sean Nós dancing.
Ms. Maher Room 4
In Science we learnt how heat effects eggs, the boys had great fun cracking the eggs and
then eating them
Planting seeds with Miss Finn
We learnt how to play Chess in April
The boys really enjoyed their 3 weeks learning Chess
Mr Hayes Room 13
Mr Hayes’ class learned about the human eye and the human lungs.
We studied perimeter in maths and we learned about Peru in geography.
Mr Smith Room 7
In maths Mr Smith’s have been learning about 3D shapes, capacity, negative numbers and the circle so far this month.
In science, We been learning terrific facts about soil.
In history, the class have been learning the plantations in Ireland.
In art, we did prism art, negatives art and up close monster art.
We have also been reading our novel; “ The Iron Woman” by Ted Hughes.
Mr Shine Room 8
The 6TH class went on a retreat to Roscrea and did drumming and praying.
We did a cake sale with Mr Hannagan’s and Mr Smith’s for our school tour.
We learned about different counties in Ireland.
In Geography we learned about trade and China.
In art, we did crosses.
The debate team debated against Ballybrown at our school.
The 5th and 6thwent to a soccer tournament in New Hill.
Mr Hannigans Room
We have been busy preparing for our confirmation this month.
We have also been reading our two novels ‘Holes’ and ‘T.J and the hat-trick’.
This month we also had our Cake-Sale.
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