Sports Day

Sports Day

On Thursday, 9th of May, we had our annual Sports day. It was a brilliant day. The weather was perfect and the boys had a terrific time. It was really well run and the Sports Day worked so well thanks to the transition year students from the CBS. We would like to thank the lads […]

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And that was April

And that was April

St. Gall’s class Our class has been very busy this month. In maths we have been practicing our word problems. We also did weight and capacity. In English, we completed our narratives and Kieran was our winner. Well done Kieran. We are very busy with preparation for our Holy Communion for the first time. In […]

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News of our March

News of our March

St. Gall’s class We were very busy in March.  In Maths, we have been learning about the clock and we can tell the time. We also learned about length and how to use a ruler.       We were really busy with Seachtain na Gaeilge. We learned our poem An Seilide and performed this and An […]

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Lá Glas

Lá Glas

Today, Friday the 15th of March, our school had a Lá Glas as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge. The boys wore green. They also made a donation of €2 per child to the Dariusz fund which is based in our town. There was an assembly in our GP room today marking Seachtain na Gaeilge. Each […]

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School Futsal Soccer League

School Futsal Soccer League

Today, March 8th, the school held the semi finals and final for our annual futsal tournament. The matches were held on our new senior schoolyard. The entire school came to see the deciding matches and we were treated to some really entertaining football. The tournament saw the Kerry team emerge as winners. Well done to […]

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Spring’s sprung

Spring’s sprung

St Gall’s class February was a very busy month for our class. We received our sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. The boys did really well on this day. In maths, we looked at column subtraction with renaming. We also looked at time. In science, we carried out some experiments with acids and bases. […]

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