New School year news

New School year news

1st  September 2016.
Dear Parents / Guardians,
Welcome to a new school year.  We extend a special welcome to our new 2nd classes and all others who are beginning a new journey with us for the first time.
We hope that the coming year will be happy, safe and productive.
I would like to remind you of a few points that will help us all have a better time here.
1.                  School Day is 9.10am to 2.50pm
2.                   Morning supervision: Yard supervision each morning is from 8.50 a.m.
Children will not be supervised before this time.
3.                   Parking. Please park outside the school grounds when dropping and collecting your child.
4.                   Uniform: Please ensure that your child comes to school in their full school uniform.  Plain black shoes only should be worn. No jewellery except a wrist watch.
We strongly recommend that you label your sons uniform, tracksuit and other belongings
5.                   Healthy Eating Policy: We wish to promote healthy lunches again this year.  Breakfast bars, crisps, sweets, chocolate bars, sports or fizzy drinks are banned and will be confiscated. Children are asked to bring home crusts, cores or skins in their lunch boxes each day.
6.                   Office: If you wish to meet with a class teacher or myself to discuss any issues, please make an appointment. Mary is in the office from 9.20 each day.
7.                   Behaviour: We will continue with our weekly behaviour scores for lining up and moving through the school. We ask that you work with us promoting good behaviour and tolerance in the school.
8.                   Our school website. Please keep up to date with what’s going on in our school at
 Yours sincerely,
Margaret McCabe and Staff

Professional Weather Station – Irish Daily Mail

Nenagh CBS primary will be collecting stamps for the Irish Daily Mail promotion which will donate a professional weather station to schools.

The offer requires a school to have 200 tokens which come in the Irish Daily Mail to then avail of this promotion.

Nenagh CBS Primary would ask parents or students to assist the school in this drive by donating any coupons they have if possible.

The coupons will be in the Irish Daily Mail paper until Monday 26th of September 2016.

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